Current transfer 第1个很好理解,就是我们通常说的进出口贸易,goods的话,能源、矿产、材料、成品都算,services的话比如出国旅游时购买国外航空的机票,预定酒店等等。第2个income有两种,一种是在本国工作的外国人将工资转去外国或是在外国工作的本国人把工资转回来;另一种是跨国的投资收到的回报,...
current account包含进出口 买机器又是进口,因此算current account capital account里包含证券投资、直接投资等。至于为什么不属于current 的账户——它不是实物吧=。= .Current accounts are known as the balance of international dealings of currently produced goods and services. A current account is...
fnxu list of transfer fo free out fo forest fo jiao yin le fo shan huan tong int fo shou pian foam cart foam concrete landsca foam pad foam print foam separator foambubble foamed insulation cab foamedmaterials foamer foaming agent foaming virus foammulah foay balance list per fob and cif ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook a wheel dipping into the water and driven by the current of a stream or by the ebb and flow of the tide. See also:Current Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. ...
The stock of Target balances is recorded in the national accounting systems in the same way as international fiscal credit. A country's Target claim is part of its net foreign asset position, and the increase of this claim is recorded as a public capital export. Intra-Eurosystem interest on ...
Current capital is often referred to as working capital. Essentially, current capital is the liquid financial assets that a company has on hand to manage the day to day operations of the company. Current capital is understood to be free of any other obligation, and is readily accessible at al...
In the transfer problem debate with Keynes, Ohlin suggests that income effects should lessen relative price variations necessary to produce trade surpluses, and that that impact is related to the degree of openness of the economy. We illustrate this mechanism in a simple model, and take it to ...
a.that part of the balance of payments composed of the balance of trade and the invisible balance. Comparecapital account1 b.(as modifier):a current-account deficit. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 20...
Current transfers affect the current account and are separate and distinct from capital transfers, which are included in the capital andfinancial account. Current transfers include workers’remittances, donations, tax payments, foreign aid, and grants. Current transfers include all transfers that do not...