The capital account is a record of the inflows and outflows of capital that directly affect a nation’s foreign assets and liabilities. It is concerned with allinternational trade transactionsbetween citizens of one country and those in other countries. The components of the capital account include...
Common forms of capital account transactions includeforeign direct investmentor loans from foreign governments. The vast majority of global capital account transfers take place between the world's wealthiest businesses, banks, and governments. When there is a trade imbalance in goods and services between...
Capital movementMeasurement of external positions of member countries has been a main feature of International Monetary Fund (IMF) operations since inception. A first step towards an understanding of current and capital account movements is the understanding of the IMF Manuals. The first edition was ...
3.all foreign exchange receipts by domestic establishments from capital account transactions shall be repatriated.4.Chinese investors may not divert foreign exchange receipts to any other purposes.5.The People's bank of China is the organ of the examination and approval of the borrowing of ...
8.balance on current account and long-term capital经常项目和长期资本往来的平衡;经常项目和长期资本往来的平衡 9.Statements of balance of international payments usually present three kinds of transactions: Current Account, Capital Account and Balancing Account.通常国际收支平衡表有三项主要账目,即经常项目、...
a.that part of the balance of payments composed of the balance of trade and the invisible balance. Comparecapital account1 b.(as modifier):a current-account deficit. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 20...
A subdivision of the capital account, the financial account records transfers of financial capital and direct investments. The BOP is published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).The credits and debits of some transactions are recorded in both the current and the capital account, while ...
内容提示: Trade Balance, Current Account and Capital Flows: Balance of Payments AccountsCurrent Account Transactions:1. Merchandise Balance = Exports - Imports of Goods 2. Net Exports (Trade Balance, NX) = Merchandise Balance plus Net Exports of Services (or Balance on Goods and Services) 3. ...
Current account convertibility permits the free exchange of a country's currency for foreign currencies to finance international transactions in goods, services, and unrequited transfers. Capital account convertibility refers to the removal of controls on capital movements or the opening of the capital ...