我期望利用 CDS view 的货币转换功能,currency conversion,将这些金额的单位转换成美元。 可以使用这个文档里提到的转换函数。 使用如下高亮代码: @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZCTRAVELJERRY' @AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true @AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK @EndUse...
18.How to install Eclipse, ADT and include SAP systems 17:31 19.CDS View Consumed in Analysis for Office 13:49 20.CDS View Cardinality in association process 21:52 21.CDS View with sorting process 15:54 25.CDS View - Virtual Elements 31:32 26.CDS View - Invalid Key Predicate ...
在TCURX中CURRKEY = ‘TWD’ 其CURRDEC = 0, 因此显示金额会乘十的负二次方才是存储的結果 C:利用现成的Function modules: CURRENCY_AMOUNT_ SAP _TO_ DISPLAY : 显示存储的金額 CURRENCY_AMOUNT_DISPLAY_TO_SAP : 存储输入的金額(至CURR type的数据表的字段)...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, in SQ02 there is a option called EXTRAS, click that one you find additional field/code/ add one field curr1 like vbap-netpr then click code there you write relevant procedure for currency conversion for ex in your case use FM CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_...
在TCURX中CURRKEY = ‘TWD’ 其CURRDEC = 0, 因此显示金额会乘十的负二次方才是存储的結果 C:利用现成的Function modules: CURRENCY_AMOUNT_ SAP _TO_ DISPLAY : 显示存储的金額 CURRENCY_AMOUNT_DISPLAY_TO_SAP : 存储输入的金額(至CURR type的数据表的字段)...
SAP在顯示金額及儲存金額時會透過一個Table(TCURX)及特定的計算公式產生其結果 具体代码的写法如下: A. 显示存储的金額 DATA: SHIFT TYPE I. CLEAR SHIFT. SELECT SINGLE * FROM TCURX WHERE CURRKEY = (货币类型). IF SY-SUBRC = 0. SHIFT = 2 - TCURX-CURRDEC. ...
The conversion function CURRENCY_CONVERSION in ABAP CDS also assumes two decimal places for currency fields. If the function for currency fields is used with other amounts of decimal places, unexpected behaviour may arise.As in general packed numbers, the number of places in type CURR should be...
I used below ABAP SELECT statement from TCURT currencies table for an SAP Invoice Smartforms output in order to display currency text of a given currency code parameter. SELECT ktext INTO TABLE lt_ktext FROM TCURT WHERE spras = 'IT' AND ...
In this blog we will look at the possibilities of currency conversion in the new SAP Analytics Cloud Model and compare "in Story Calculation" and the new
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development We have a program that is using FM CONVERT_TO_FOREIGN_CURRENCY and recently ran into an issue with JPY conversion. It's a well-known problem and there are many related SCN questions (just one example). The issue is that JPY currency is configured with...