Hi all I have a string and I want to convert it to currency type field. Example : STRING = '11243.56'. convert to : CURRENCY = '112,43.56'. Thanks in advance.
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Experts, I read from text file to an internal table. My text file contains data (eg. 1,799.01). When i try to store into internal table, i couldn't do so cos the string cant store the value as currency (internal table field is currency). How...
Introduction Code Snippet(s) Explanation Availability Introduction The following code snippet shows how to convert string encoding in ABAP using the functionalities of
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Pawan, Please use the FM "BAPI_CURRENCY_CONV_TO_EXTERNAL" to convert the JPY Amount into an external format. I think this should suffice your purpose. Thanks, Arnab Reply Go to solution Former Member Options Mark as New Bookmark Subscribe Mute ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi My web service call returns a string XML. My task is to retrieve the values in the different nodes, preferably in an internal table. Previous I have used Simple Transformation, but I am not sure if this is possible this time, since the structure of...
wa_line TYPE string, it_line2 TYPE TABLE OF string, wa_line2 TYPE string, l_regex TYPE string. DATA : l_tab TYPE c VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. CALL FUNCTION 'HR_KR_XSTRING_TO_STRING' EXPORTING * FROM_CODEPAGE = '8500' in_xstring = file_content * OUT_LEN = ...
本文是这篇文章SAP ABAP 处理 Excel 的标准函数 TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP 介绍的后续。 在本地新建一个 excel 文件,内容如下: 使用下面的 ABAP 代码进行解析:REPORT z.TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_data,field1 TYPE string,field2 TYPE string,END OF ty_data.TYPES: tt_data TYPE TABLE OF ty_data.DATA: lt...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello Custodio, Thanks for your answer, it looks very simple using transformation. but when I try the json with lowercase tag, it sames not working... for example: DATA lv_json TYPE string. DATA lv_token TYPE string. lv_json = '{"access_token":"tok...
本文是这篇文章SAP ABAP 处理 Excel 的标准函数 TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP 介绍的后续。 在本地新建一个 excel 文件,内容如下: 使用下面的 ABAP 代码进行解析: REPORT z. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_data, field1 TYPE string, field2 TYPE string, END OF ty_data. ...