the cultural competence continuum. 1. Destructiveness • Blatant Racism • Genocide • Agency does not hire ethnic minorities 2. Incapacity • Agency is inaccessible to people of color • Agency avoids working with ethnic minorities
Cultural Competence Continuumdoi:10.5195/jcycw.2012.48Cross et al. espoused in a monograph entitled Toward a Culturally Competent System of Care, Volume 1, originally published in 1989CrossCross T. Cultural competence continuum. Brooklyn (NY): New York State Citizens' Coalition for Children; 2008....
Cultural Competence,Cultural Framing,Culture,Cross-Cultural Comparison,Dialog,Ecocultural Dialogical Educational Environment,Episteme,Epistemology,Emic,Ethic,Framing,Interdetermination,Integration,Intgrative-Eclectic Approach,Integrative Eclectic through Triangulation,Intersubjectivity,Intertextuality,Mutual Understanding,Shared...
competencycontinuumenableshealtheducatorstointegrateculturalproficiencypracticesintoindividualhealth educationpractices.UnderstandingdiversityandtheUlyssesSyndromeanddevelopingculturalcompetenceisa long-termandon-goingprocess.Thisprocessiscomplex,butessentialinordertobuildatframeworkfrom ...
(Sue, Zane, Hall, & Berger, 2009). One way to assess cultural competency is to use objective measurements, such as recording therapy sessions and having independent raters code cultural competence. This would be very time-consuming and require a sophisticated coding and measurement system, but ...
“civilizational” reach is underpinned. This chapter argues that in health and social care, the machinery of Whiteness can be seen at work in attempts to instill “cultural competence.” While cultural competence is popular as a tool for redressing racism in institutional contexts, in practice it...
While genetic counselors are at various places personally and professionally on the cultural competence continuum, this resource portal is a public professional starting point; it is a beginning. We cannot anticipate all of the potential learning opportunities that may be facilitated by the GCCCT. On...
Abstract This first chapter looks at the influence of other disciplines on cultural studies. It examines different definitions of ‘culture’ and ‘communication’ and looks at key areas of cultural diversity in visible behaviour and underlying values. It analyses strategies for optimizing successful com...
Understanding the 6 levels of the cultural competency continuum enables health educators to integrate cultural proficiency practices into individual health education practices. Understanding diversity and the Ulysses Syndrome and developing cultural competence is a long-term and on-going process. This process...
” Similarly, there is a growing recognition of the urgent need for cultural competency in the planning and urban design professions. Hunter College’s Center for Puerto Rican Studies prepared the reportCultural Competence in Urban Affairs and Planning. Rutgers University developed thePrinciples of ...