@ TOC一、CULane Datesets 下载地址 论文地址1.1 介绍作者针对Caltech、Tusimple等数据集场景单一、数据量少、难度低等问题,用6辆车在北京不同时间录制了超过55小时,标注了133235张图片,超过Tusimple Dataset…
culane_dataset_path = 'CULane' yolo_dataset_path = 'yolo_CULane' batch_convert_culane_to_yolo(culane_dataset_path, yolo_dataset_path). 通过上述调整,代码在转换过程中会对数据进行清洗和异常值处理,尽量去除可能存在的不合理特征或异常情况。具体的清洗和处理逻辑可以根据你的实际需求进一步调整和优化。©...
When reproducing the CULane dataset, the evaluation metrics Normal, Crowded, Crowded, Crowded, Crowded, Arrow, Curve, Cross, and Night could not be successfully reproduced When reproducing the CULane dataset, the evaluation metrics Normal, Crowded, Crowded, Crowded, Crowded, Arrow, Curve, Cross, an...
关键词:车道线检测;深度学习;雾天图片生成;CULane 数据集扩充;FoggyCULane ;空间卷积神经网络(SCNN )文献标志码:A 中图分类号:TP 391doi :10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2012-0138 Lane Detection Under Foggy Conditions via FoggyCULane Dataset XU Zhejun,ZHANG Wei,GUO Hao,ZHANG Yang,LI Qing,DONG ...
Subsequently, the original CULane dataset and the FoggyCULane dataset are used to train the spatial CNN(SCNN)lane detection neural network, and the training results are evaluated in 12 types of complex lane scenes, which contains 3 different concentrations of foggy scenes, to ...
To generate per-pixel labels, remove the '-s' in labelGen.sh and run it. To generate list files with indication of the existance of lane markings (like the train_gt.txt provided in the dataset), run listGen.sh. Also remember to modify the CULane path to yours....
白天黑夜训150测72 舟 舟网盘vip lee GPL 2 风格迁移 0 2 2025-02-17 详情 相关项目 评论(0) 创建项目 文件列表 CuLane.zip CuLane.zip (104.57M) 下载 File Name Size Update Time CuLane/test/A/00000.jpg -1 2025-02-17 16:39:11 CuLane/test/A/00270.jpg -1 2025-02-17 16:39:11 CuLane...
CULane数据集 Mr.郑先生_ 12枚 CC0 交通科技计算机视觉语义分割 9 130 2021-10-18 详情 相关项目 评论(0) 创建项目 文件列表 CULane.zip CULane.zip (16916.04M) 下载 File Name Size Update Time CULane/JPEGImages/12945.jpg 406630 2021-10-17 23:31:42 CULane/JPEGImages/33730.jpg 382943 2021-10...
$HOME/dataset/CULane 1.list.tar.gz 2.laneseg_label_w16.tar.gz # train&val 3.driver_23_30frame.tar.gz 4.driver_161_90frame.tar.gz 5.driver_182_30frame.tar.gz # test 6.driver_37_30frame.tar.gz 7.driver_100_30frame.tar.gz 8.driver_193_90frame.tar.gz Note: 在训练集中,每一张...
车道线CULane数据集转换代码_culane dataset,culane png 里面没有信息啊-深度学习代码类资源 Ol**me上传421.77 KB文件格式zipCulane车道线检测 车道线检测SCNN中使用CULane数据集转换代码,将json文件转换为灰度图像 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分