Workshop AgendaThe 2ndCUHK(SZ)-CUHK Joint Workshop on Chinese Economy will be held on December 13th-14that CUHK-Shenzhen. The two-day Workshop will bring together leading economists and scholars to delve into the intricacies of the ...
国际交换生 My first Spring Festival celebration at CUHK(SZ) is surprising, exciting and very enjoyable. Students showed hidden talents, learnt the meaning of Chinese characters and received gifts from happy people. President Xu wrote greetings fo...
The main entrance to the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in Longgang District. File photo Over 30% of these graduates secured employment with large private companies, which include industry giants such as Huawei,...
打卡CUHKSZers的“早C” 柏拉图曾在《会饮篇》中表达,全人类只有一条幸福之路,就是实现自己的爱——找到恰好和自己配合的爱人,还原到自己的本来面目。“我们足够幸运,在志仁楼的一隅找到了我们实现自己的爱的方式。” 本期,我们的脚步停留...
CUHK(SZ) IEEE Student Branch是国际电气与电子工程师协会(The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE)在香港中文大学(深圳)建立的学生分部,为电子与计算机工程等IEEE相关专业的所有本科生与研究生提供优质服务。 我们...
2024年11月8日,“学海无涯·科研有方:CUHK(SZ)-CUHK联合研究生科研论坛”[CUHK(SZ)-CUHK Joint Graduate Research Forum 2024]在香港中文大学(深圳)校园成功举办。本次研究生论坛设置了“学术口头报告(文科)”、“学术口头报告(...
CUHK(SZ)-JNU Joint Workshop The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, School of Management and Economics Jinan University, Institute for Economic and Social Research Date:September 24, 2022 Venue:Conference Room 106, Zhonghui Building, Jinan...
为了满足数字时代对高素质市场营销人才日益增长的需求,市场学理学硕士课程为学生提供管理和人工智能营销方面的前沿、深度知识。项目有以下教学目标: 目标一:我们的学生将掌握现代市场营销理论; 目标二:我们的学生将掌握市场实际领域最前沿的信息技术和...