部分合作院校要求学生须经学术交流处(OAL)提名后方可申请暑期项目,此为提名类项目。学生直接向境外院校申请暑期项目,获得录取后,需在我校 Study Abroad Program Portal(SAPP)进行登记,此为登记类项目。香港中文大学(深圳)全日制在校本科一年级、二年级、三年级...
and the closest one is on SMBU campus. Office of Academic Links (OAL) saw this as a good opportunity for the recently-returned international students to explore the neighborhood, get a glimpse of local people’s life, get into the festive mood and have fun. Thus, a walking tour...
PS.和暑期交流项目相同的是,收到提名邮件即默认接受提名。如获得提名后退出,学生需向OAL说明原因(邮件至 oalsummer@cuhkedu.cn)。而有所不同的是,一旦提名后退出学生将不得再参加 OAL 组织的境外交换/交流项目。因此,大家报名前同样要慎重考虑哦。 并且,...
and the closest one is on SMBU campus. Office of Academic Links (OAL) saw this as a good opportunity for the recently-returned international students to explore the neighborhood, get a glimpse of local people’s life, get into the festive mood and have fun. Thus, a walking tour...