cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle when using cupy's thread#4618 mfoglio openedon Feb 4, 2021·edited bymfoglio Edits I have a Python application that also uses tensorRT and therefore has its own context that get pushed and pop from the gpu (cud'scontext.pop()andcontext.push()). ...
InternalError: 2 root error(s) found. (0) Internal:'cuModuleGetFunction(&function, module, kernel_name)'failed with'CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE'[[node resnet_v1_50/block1/unit_3/bottleneck_v1/add (defined at D:\Anaconda\envs\git2\lib\site-packages\tf_slim\nets\ ]...
我有CUDA主机和内核代码,这些代码是在Linux系统上开发的,并在那里工作。我将他们移植到一个Win 7系统,以便使用Nvidia Nsight调试和分析工具。 代码不运行在Win 7系统上;在某个时候,对cudaMalloc或内核调用的请求返回一个错误代码,该错误代码被翻译为: cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle。(失败的内核是第一个内核调用;使...
Description a simple audio classifier model. First extracts Mel spectrogram with torchaudio on GPU. Second do the model inference on the same GPU, but get the wrong result. it is strange that if I extract the Mel spect…
28:27] [TRT] [E] 1: [reformat.cpp::genericReformat::executeCutensor::388] Error Code 1: CuTensor (Internal cuTensor permutate execute failed) [12/06/2022-14:28:27] [TRT] [E] 1: [checkMacros.cpp::nvinfer1::catchCudaError::202] Error Code 1: Cuda Runtime (invalid resource handle)...
API Explorer SDK中心 软件开发生产线 AI开发生产线 数据治理生产线 数字内容生产线 开发者Programs Huawei Cloud Developer Experts Huawei Cloud Developer Group Huawei Cloud Student Developers 沃土云创计划 鲁班会 开发者技术支持 帮助中心 在线提单 云声·建议 Codelabs 开发者资讯 开发者变现 云商店 教育专区 物...
针对你遇到的 cuda error: cublas_status_invalid_value when calling cublassgemm 问题,以下是一些可能的解决步骤和原因分析,帮助你定位和解决问题: 1. 确认 cublasSgemm 函数调用时的参数是否正确 cublasSgemm 函数需要多个参数,包括矩阵的维度、操作类型、矩阵指针等。错误的参数值常常是导致 CUBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_VA...
while doing an Inference on these two TRT Models, I am getting error as: [TensorRT] ERROR: …/rtSafe/cuda/ (925) - Cuda Error in NCHWToNCHHW2: 400 (invalid resource handle) [TensorRT] ERROR: FAILED_EXECUTION: std::exception It is to note ...
api_1 | 5:21AM DBG GRPC(wizardlm-13b-v1.2.ggmlv3.q8_0.bin- stderr CUDA error 400 at /build/go-llama/llama.cpp/ invalid resource handle api_1 | []:37254 500 - POST /v1/chat/completions ...