Declare shared memory in CUDA Fortran using thesharedvariable qualifier in the device code. There are multiple ways to declare shared memory inside a kernel, depending on whether the amount of memory is known at compile time or at runtime. The following complete code example shows various methods...
(General-purpose computing on graphics processing units,简称GPGPU)的并行计算平台和并行编程接口,包含三种使用方式:直接调用CUDA计算库、使用类似OpenMP的OpenACC编译指示、使用CUDA编程语言,这三者的易用性依次递减,灵活性依次递增.其中CUDA编程语言通过在已有编程语言(C,Fortran等)基础上加入扩展实现了异构并行编程,为...
Fortran 的开发者能够使用 CUDA Fortran,编译使用 PGI CUDA Fortran。当然 CUDA 平台也支持其他的编程接口,包括 OpenCL,微软的 DirectCompute、OpenGL ComputeShaders 和 C++ AMP。第三方的开发者也可以使用 Python、Perl、Fortran、Java、Ruby、Lua、Haskell、R、MATLAB、IDL 由曼赛马提亚原生支持。 CUDA 的核心概念 ...
CUDA Fortran is designed to interoperate with other popular GPU programming models including CUDA C, OpenACC and OpenMP. You can directly access all the latest hardware and driver features including cooperative groups, Tensor Cores, managed memory, and direct to shared memory loads, and more. Low...
GPU 上。但对于科学与工程计算中的重要编程语言Fortran,无法直接地改写为 CUDA C或 OpenCL。
Each block is partitioned into fine grain threads, which can cooperate using shared memory and barrier synchronization. A properly designed CUDA program will run on any CUDA-enabled GPU, regardless of the number of available processor cores. CUDA Fortran includes a Fortran 2003 compiler and tool ...
CUDA Fortran SC11 用户指南说明书 CUDA Fortran SC11 Dr. Justin Luitjens, NVIDIA Corporation
使用CUDA,我们可以开发出同时在CPU和GPU上运行的通用计算程序,更加高效地利用现有硬件进行计算。为了简化并行计算学习,CUDA为程序员提供了一个类C语言的开发环境以及一些其它的如FORTRAN、DirectCOmpute、OpenACC的高级语言/编程接口来开发CUDA程序。 2. CUDA编程模型如何扩展?
CUDA允许开发人员使用C、C++作为高级编程语言,也支持FORTRAN、DirectCompute、OpenACC等应用程序接口。 在未来GPU将不仅仅是图形处理器,它还将成为所有应用程序均可使用的通用并行处理器。 2.2.1 编程顶层结构 CUDA编程结构的实质是基于CPU+GPU的异构计算架构,在一个异构环境中包含多个CPU和GPU,每个GPU和CPU的内存都由...
NVIDIA CUDA 库和 CUDA Fortran 用户指南说明书 CUDA Libraries and CUDA Fortran