@jimmypetterson: using your code snippet, I can determine the max value and its index (for 400 elements) in 80 us (as per CUDA profiler). Also I tried running 50 blocks with 400 threads each modifying the warp_reduce_max kernel. With this modification, the maximum value is correct onl...
"A neural network to rule them all, a neural network to find them, a neural network to bring them all and verify if is you !!" (Face recognition tool) photosneural-networkrest-apifacial-recognitionface-recognitionface-detectionmlpcuda-supportcelebritiesgpu-supportmlp-networksvideo-guide ...
并从从内核内部启动一个内核: __global__voidcdp_simple_quicksort(unsignedint*data,intleft,intright,intdepth){...while(left_ptr<=right_ptr){// Launch a new block to sort the left part.if(left<(right_ptr-data)){// Create a new stream for the eft sub arraycdp_simple_quicksort<<<1,...
#define CUDA_EGL_MAX_PLANES 3 Maximum number of planes per frame #define CUDA_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE 64 CUDA IPC Handle Size #define cudaArrayColorAttachment 0x20 Must be set in cudaExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray if the mipmapped array is used as a color target in a graphics API ...
{ "type": "integer", "description": "The function's length in bytes" }, "other-attributes": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }, "sass-instructions": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/$defs/sass-instruction" } } }, "required": [ "function-...
In the lookback case, the Wallace cannot be used because the shared memory is needed by the simulation kernel, and performance is much lower than that of the Asian option. Interestingly, the software implementation exhibits the opposite performance: the lookback is significantly fas...
Find approximate numerical solutions for systems of linear equations of the form Ax = b in numerical linear algebra, which is diagonally dominant. Odd-Even Merge Sort Algorithm This graph-traversal motif belongs to a sorting networks class. It's a preferred algorithm for sorting batches of short...
cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize configures an occupancy-based kernel launch of MyKernel according to the user input. cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialClusterSize The following code sample shows how to use the cluster occupancy API to find the max number of active clusters of a given size. Example code be...
However, switching to theMaxIouAssignerdid not lead to an OOM error for multiple epochs, which biases me to think the problem is the high number of polygons. But inference with the trained model outputs no predictions and as shown in the log above, throws an error saying that the testing...
max_memory = get_max_memory(max_memory) File "/home/reply/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/accelerate/utils/modeling.py", line 643, in get_max_memory _ = torch.tensor([0], device=i) RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUDA-capable device...