A comprehensive collection of open source C++ examples for CUDA, the new generation heterogeneous API from NVIDIA. Table of contents Requirements Clone Generate the project Examples Raytracing Sobel Open sources Requirements CUDA Toolkit Git CMake Clone git clone https://github.com/daemyung/CUDA.git...
01_vector_add.cu Added thrust examples Oct 10, 2012 02_vector_add_2.cu Added thrust examples Oct 10, 2012 03_opengl_ripple.cu Added thrust examples Oct 10, 2012 CUDATimer.cu initial commit Oct 9, 2012 CUDATimer.cuh initial commit Oct 9, 2012 ...
CUDA by Examples 参考: 《CUDA by Example AN INTRODUCTION TO ENERAL-PURPOSE GPU PROGRAMMING》 配套代码:https://github.com/yottaawesome/cuda-by-example https://edoras.sdsu.edu/~mthomas/docs/cuda/cuda_by_example.book.pdf CUDA 官方API:https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-runtime-api/index.html ...
CUDA编程入门这里列了一些 CUDA 编程入门的书籍、博客、Samples,适合初学入门。 1. Professional CUDA C Programming代码地址: https://github.com/deeperlearning/professional-cuda-c-programming2. Learn CUD…
git clone https://github.com/CodedK/CUDA-by-Example-source-code-for-the-book-s-examples-.git 首先是报错 nvcc -o ray ray.cu In file included from ../common/
详情可见Github:https://github.com/ml-explore/mlx-examples/tree/main。 这些例子也侧面证明了该公司在语言处理、图像生成和语音识别等方面的技术实力和工具的强大程度。 其他开发人员也对于MLX进行了其他有趣的尝试,比如一位来自塞浦路斯大学的教授,在使用PyTorch和新的MLX框架的情况下,成功在Apple M2 Ultra GPU上...
Note that in both preceding examples, kernel parameters are annotated with the__grid_constant__qualifier to indicate they are read-only. Toolkit and driver compatibility Note that use ofCUDA Toolkit 12.1and a R530 driver or higher are required to compile, launch, and debug kernels with large ke...
之前的文章中:Pytorch拓展进阶(一):Pytorch结合C以及Cuda语言。我们简单说明了如何简单利用C语言去拓展Pytorch并且利用编写底层的.cu语言。这篇文章我们说明如何利用C++和Cuda去拓展Pytorch,同样实现我们的自定义功能。 为何使用C++ 之前已经提到了什么我们要拓展,而不是直接使用Pytorch提供的python函数去构建算法函数。很简...
The optimizing compiler libraries, the lidevice libraries and samples can be found under thenvvmsub-directory, seen after the CUDA Toolkit Install. More libNVVM examples are provided atGitHub Getting Support NVIDIA registered developers can file bugs via theCUDA Registered Developer Program ...