《CUDA by Example》--chapter10 code 先来介绍CUDA中的一个函数:cudaHostAlloc(),理解这个函数,要和标准C语言中的()联系起来。malloc()函数是CPU在主存中开辟内存并返回指针,而cudaHostAlloc()是cuda在主存中开辟指定内存并返回指针。cuda开辟和CPU开辟的主存有什么不同?CPU是分配可分页的(Pagable)主机内存,而cu...
gitclonehttps://github.com/CodedK/CUDA-by-Example-source-code-for-the-book-s-examples-.git 首先是报错 nvcc -o ray ray.cu In file included from ../common/cpu_bitmap.h:20:0, from ray.cu:19: ../common/gl_helper.h:44:21: fatal error: GL/glut.h: No such file or directory#inclu...
如您遇到问题,请参阅 解决方案。 In [ ] !nvcc -arch=sm_70 -o heat-conduction 01-heat-conduction.cu -run 此任务中的原始热传导 CPU 源代码取自于休斯顿大学的文章 An OpenACC Example Code for a C-based heat conduction code(基于 C 的热传导代码的 OpenACC 示例代码)。
Download source code for the book's examples (.zip) NOTE:Please readthis licensebefore downloading the software. Errata CUDA by Example Table of Contents Why CUDA? Why Now? Getting Started Introduction to CUDA C Parallel Programming in CUDA C ...
Either the –arch or –generate-code option must be used to specify the target(s) to keep. All other device code is discarded from the file. The targets can be either a sm_NN arch (cubin) or compute_NN arch (ptx). For example, the following will prune libcublas_static.a to only ...
The following C++ example code shows usage: #include <iostream> #include "/usr/local/cuda-14.0/bin/nv_decode.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char* mangled_name = "_ZN6Scope15Func1Enez"; int status = 1; ...
Figure 6 shows an example code sequence for execution of the generated PTX. Figure 6. Execution of SAXPY using the PTX generated by NVRTC CUdevice cuDevice; CUcontext context; CUmodule module; CUfunction kernel; cuInit(0); cuDeviceGet(&cuDevice, 0); cuCtxCreate(&context, 0, cuDevice)...
SiriusNEO:[MLSys 入门向读书笔记] CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming(下) 这是我在 Apache TVM 社区实习的时候一位学长推给我的书,除了这本还有一本叫《ProfessionalCUDA CProgramming》的大厚书。那本没看完,暂时记一下这本的内容。这本书好处就是更加易懂易上手一点。
Linear memory exists on the device in a 40-bit address space, so separately allocated entities can reference one another via pointers, for example, in a binary tree. Linear memory is typically allocated using cudaMalloc() and freed using cudaFree() and data transfer between host memory and de...
cppCopy code #include<iostream>#include<cuda_runtime.h>// CUDA核函数,将输入数组的每个元素乘以2__global__voidmultiplyByTwo(float*input,float*output,int size){int tid=blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x;if(tid<size){output[tid]=input[tid]*2;}}intmain(){constintARRAY_SIZE=10;constintARR...