CUDA by Example豆瓣评分:8.4 简介:"This book is required reading for anyone working with accelerator-based computing systems." --From the Foreword by Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory CUDA is a
Time using cudaHostAlloc: 2033.8 ms (up=false) MB/s during copy down: 12587.4 10.3 CUDA Streams 这里作者把之前讲 CUDA Event 的伏笔回收了一下,并且讲了一下 CUDA Stream 的定义:一个 CUDA stream 代表着一个 GPU 上的指令队列,这些指令会以一定的顺序执行。 10.4 Using a Single CUDA Stream 对应代...
CUDA_by_Example 下载积分: 800 内容提示: CUDA by Examp eAn IntroductIon to GenerAl-PurPose GPu ProGrAmmInGJAson sAnders edwArd KAndrotUpper Saddle River, NJ • Boston • Indianapolis • San FranciscoNew York • Toronto • Montreal • London • Munich • Paris • MadridCapetown ...
1. 以前用OpenGL和DirectX API简介操作GPU,必须了解图形学的知识,直接操作GPU要考虑并发,原子操作等等,cuda架构为此专门设计。满足浮点运算,用裁剪后的指令集执行通用计算,不是仅限于执行图形计算,不仅可以任意读写内存,还可以访问共享内存。提供了许多功能加速计算,设计了CUDA C语言编写通用计算 2. 在GPU上执行的函数...
git clone 首先是报错 nvcc -o ray In file included from ../common/
CUDAbyexample:anintroductiontogeneral-purposeGPUprogramming/ JasonSanders,EdwardKandrot. Includesindex. ISBN978-0-13-138768-3(pbk.:alk.paper) 1.Applicationsoftware—Development.2.Computerarchitecture.3. Parallelprogramming(Computerscience)I.Kandrot,Edward.II.Title. ...
Distribution Contents --- The end user license (license.txt) Code examples from chapters 3-11 of "CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming" Common code shared across examples This README file (README.txt) Compiling the Examples --- The vast majority of these code ...
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(int)); add<<<1,1>>>(2,7,dev_c); cudaMemcpy(&c,dev_c,sizeof(int),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); printf("2 + 7 = %d",c); return 0; } 这里就涉及了GPU和主机之间的内存交换了,cudaMalloc是在GPU的内存里开辟一片空间,然后通过操作之后,这个内存里有了计算出来内容,再通过cudaMemcpy这个函数把...