if(result != NVRTC_SUCCESS) { \ std::cerr <<"\nerror: "#x" failed with error "\ << nvrtcGetErrorString(result) <<'\n'; \ exit(1); \ } \ }while(0) #define CUDA_SAFE_CALL(x) \ do{ \ CUresult result = x; \ if(result != CUDA_SUCCESS) { \ constchar*msg; \ cuGetE...
cudaLimitDevRuntimeSyncDepthSets the maximum depth at which cudaDeviceSynchronize() may be called. Launches may be performed deeper than this, but explicit synchronization deeper than this limit will return the cudaErrorLaunchMaxDepthExceeded. The default maximum sync depth is 2. cudaLimitDevRuntime...
cudaGetDevice() failed. Status: cudaGetErrorString symbol not found.怎么解决 我是在使用anaconda的Spyder写一个数字识别的任务的时候遇到这个问题的,当时我以为是我的函数库有问题,然后安装了很多东西都没用,然后百度的答案都很模糊,在我尝试了一天一下午之后,找到了问题原因所在。 首先我用的keras,它是基于Tens...
}// Helper function for using CUDA to add vectors in parallel.cudaError_t addWithCuda(int* c,constint* a,constint* b,unsignedintsize, std::string* error_message) {int* dev_a =0;int* dev_b =0;int* dev_c =0; cudaError_t cuda_status;// Choose which GPU to run on, change th...
= cudaSuccess) \ { \ printf("CUDA Error:\n"); \ printf(" File: %s\n", __FILE__); \ printf(" Line: %d\n", __LINE__); \ printf(" Error code: %d\n", error_code); \ printf(" Error text: %s\n", \ cudaGetErrorString(error_code)); \ exit(1); \ } \ } while (0...
cudaMemcpuDeviceToDevice 对于返回类型cudaError_t,如果正确调用,则返回cudaSuccess,否则返回cudaErrorMemoryAllocation。可以使用char* cudaGetErrorString(cudaError_t error)将其转化为易于理解的格式。 3 CUDA线程层次 CUDA线程分成Grid和Block两个层次,由一个单独的kernel启动的所有线程组成一个grid,grid中所有线程共享...
cuobjdump的输出包括每个kernel的cuda汇编代码, CUDA ELF section headers, string tables, relocators and other CUDA specific sections。◆用法:cuobjdump [options] <file>◆要反汇编一个独立的cubin或嵌入在主机可执行文件中的cubin并显示kernel的CUDA汇编:cuobjdump -sass ◆从 cubin 文件...
= cudaSuccess) \ { \ printf("CUDA Error:\n"); \ printf(" File: %s\n", __FILE__); \ printf(" Line: %d\n", __LINE__); \ printf(" Error code: %d\n", error_code); \ printf(" Error text: %s\n", \ cudaGetErrorString(error_code)); \ exit(1); \ } \ } while (0...
fprintf(stderr, "runMaxFlow_GPU launch failed: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(cudaStatus)); goto Error; } // cudaDeviceSynchronize waits for the kernel to finish, and returns // any errors encountered during the launch. cudaStatus = cudaDeviceSynchronize(); ...
The output of cuobjdump includes CUDA assembly code for each kernel, CUDA ELF section headers, string tables, relocators and other CUDA specific sections. It also extracts embedded ptx text from host binaries. For a list of CUDA assembly instruction set of each GPU architecture, see Instruction ...