cudaGetErrorString(ret) raise RuntimeError("cudaSetDevice: " + error_string) cudaSetDevice(device_idx=device_idx) #'Successfully loaded tensorrt plugins from {lib_path}')'Successfully loaded tensorrt plugins from {lib_path}, device_idx: {device_idx}') success = T...
CUDA Profiling Tools Interface See More Tools Domains with CUDA-Accelerated Applications CUDA accelerates applications across a wide range of domains from image processing, to deep learning, numerical analytics and computational science. More Applications ...
static __inline__ __device__ double fetch_double(texture<int2, 1> t, int i) { int2 v = tex1Dfetch(t,i); return __hiloint2double(v.y, v.x); }Q: Does CUDA support long integers? Yes, CUDA supports 64 bit integers (long longs). Operations on these types compile to multiple...
CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture)的中文全称为计算统一设备架构。做图像视觉领域的同学多多少少都会接触到CUDA,毕竟要做性能速度优化,CUDA是个很重要的工具,CUDA是做视觉的同学难以绕过的一个坑,必须踩一踩才踏实。CUDA编程真的是入门容易精通难,具有计算机体系结构和C语言编程知识储备的同学上手CUDA编程应该难度...
Geforce8CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture)是一个新的基础架构,这个架构可以使用GPU来解决商业、工业以及科学方面的复杂计算问题。它是一个完整的GPGPU解决方案,提供了硬件的直接访问接口,而不必像传统方式一样必须依赖图形API接口来实现GPU的访问。在架构上采用了一种全新的计算体系结构来使用GPU提供的硬件...
也就是GPU0的时候,那么这个参数带进来的Location信息于你的台式机不兼容,就会发生找不到cuda device的...
这里最关键的就是无论host还是device,都用一样的 EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ 判别宏。所以对于device代码,需要特殊定义这些宏 #ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__#undef EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ#define EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(val1, val2) setTestTransporterValue(testTransporter, (val1) == (val2));#undef EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ#define EXPECT_FL...
Using built-in capabilities for distributing computations across multi-GPU configurations, you can develop applications that scale from single-GPU workstations to cloud installations with thousands of GPUs. Learn More New Release, New Benefits
if (cudaGetDeviceProperties(∝, i) == cudaSuccess) { if (prop.major >= 1) { break; } } } if (i == count) { fprintf(stderr, "There is no device supporting CUDA 1.x.\n"); return false; } cudaSetDevice(i); return true; ...