cubesolver中文版下载安装最新版分享给大家!这是一款借助了vr技术的魔方学习软件,不止内置了众多虚拟魔方,还有教学课程和解魔方教程等你来了解,你可以获得一个3D解决方案,喜欢玩魔方的不要错过! 【解决方案】 -PocketCube:这个应用程序可以在14步或更少的时间内解决2x2的魔方! -魔方:解决经典的3x3魔方,平均27步。
1、打开Cube Solver魔方软件官方版,软件应用主界面,包括【Timer】魔方计时器、【Customization】改变魔方样式、【Pocket Cube】二阶魔方、【Tower 2x2x3】塔2x2x3、【Mirror Cube 2x2】镜像立方体2x2、【Rubik's Cube】常规魔方等选项,用户可根据需求选择需要还原方法的魔方类型, ...
After the orientation is right go ahead and apply the rotations given by the online Rubik's Cube solver. Respect the initial orientation, and make all the rotations right because if you miss one or make a wrong turn you end up with a scrambled cube. Be careful with the double turns which...
Discover the fascinating skill of solving the Rubik's Cube with our incredible Rubik's Cube Solver App. Learning has never been so easy and enjoyable, even if you are patient and willing to practice. You'll realize that you don't need to be a genius to get it done. ...
The world's first online Rubik's Professor's Cube Solver is already here! Color the cube and hit the Solve! button for a step by step solution.
Crafted by experts and loved by players worldwide, Cube Solver not only cracks your cube's code but also teaches you how to solve it. Dive into the joy of solving cubes anytime, anywhere, without needing your physical Cube, with our Digital Cube. ...
cube solver魔方其实就是一款另类的手机魔方游戏,也可以看做是软件,这里主要是给喜欢玩魔方,但是对于魔方又不是非常了解,尤其是魔方梦醒和初学者设计的帮助你用3维的视频图像来一步一步叫你怎么正确转魔方的。 cubesolver魔方软件介绍 只需描述您的拼图即可获得3D解决方案: -PocketCube:这个应用程序可以在14步或更...
Done! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Rubik's Cube Solver - Solution Page You are on the solution page, generated by the online Rubik's Cube solver. Allow some time for the program to calculate and return the solution. This usu...
Just another Rubik's Cube solver, is an online 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 and other bigger NxNxN cube solver and simulator.
TheRubik's Professor's Cubeis a 5x5x5 variation of the originalRubik's Cube. The first version of this puzzle was invented in 1981 by Udo Krell, who took a regular 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube and expanded its mechanism. Starting in 1983, Krell's design for this puzzle was manufactured and sol...