cubesolver中文版下载安装最新版分享给大家!这是一款借助了vr技术的魔方学习软件,不止内置了众多虚拟魔方,还有教学课程和解魔方教程等你来了解,你可以获得一个3D解决方案,喜欢玩魔方的不要错过! 【解决方案】 -PocketCube:这个应用程序可以在14步或更少的时间内解决2x2的魔方! -魔方:解决经典的3x3魔方,平均27步。
Educational Toy and Speed Puzzle Performance and Property: Optimized for Speed Solving Features: |Rubixcubesolver|4 Sided Rubix Cube| **Enhance Cognitive Skills with the SengSo 3x3x3 Magic Cube** The SengSo 3x3x3 Professional Magic Cube is not just a toy; it's a tool for mental development...
You are on the solution page, generated by the online Rubik's Cube solver. Allow some time for the program to calculate and return the solution. This usually takes around 20 seconds but it can go up to 2 minutes so please be patient. This solver won't find the same steps that you ap...
1、打开Cube Solver魔方软件官方版,软件应用主界面,包括【Timer】魔方计时器、【Customization】改变魔方样式、【Pocket Cube】二阶魔方、【Tower 2x2x3】塔2x2x3、【Mirror Cube 2x2】镜像立方体2x2、【Rubik's Cube】常规魔方等选项,用户可根据需求选择需要还原方法的魔方类型, ...
s Cube you would like to paint with it. Keep coloring until the cube in the solver is colored exactly like the one you have in your hand. When you’re done, simply tap the “Solve” button, and you will immediately be presented with a step-by-step solution. Follow the instructions ...
cubesolver魔方软件测评 1、用户能够在这里体验玩魔方的乐趣,简单的操作方式,用户能够轻轻松松将魔方进行还原。 2、为用户供给了多种特色场景,包含了给魔方填色、还原虚拟魔方、计时东西、多种皮肤等等。 3、专为魔方打造的实用工具,各种内容板块任你挑选,超多魔方自定义设置,在这里学习更快的魔方复原过程。
cubesolver中文版优势 1、个人练习敏捷加强你的熟练度,十分适合刚学习魔方的新手。 2、一键重置设备,智能魔方所有衔接问题轻松搞定恢复衔接。 3、不管是魔方初级爱好者还是资深玩家,都能从中学习到魔方新知识。 4、三阶、四阶、五阶甚至多阶等高难度的极限魔方。 cubesolver中文版亮点 1、你能玩转大脑思维...
cube solver软件教程 1、进入Cube Solver魔方软件,选择所需魔方; 2、选择解决方式或是学习模式; 3、以还原魔方为例,对每一块魔方进行涂色; 4、全部涂完就可以点击solve进行还原。 更新日志 v4.4.9版本 使用解析器改善用户体验 cube solver软件点评 Cube Solver魔方软件是一款针对魔方玩家设计提供的解魔方软件,可以...
You are new to 3x3 Cube. You've tried all sorts of rotations but still can't solve your 3x3 cube. Let "Easy 3x3 Cube solver" App help your friend! With the opt…
The online Rubik's Cube solver calculates the steps needed to solve a scrambled Rubik's Cube. Enter the colors of your puzzle and let the program find the solution