Cupid, H. Flandorfer, The Cu-Sn phase diagram part II: new thermodynamic assessment, Intermetallics 34 (2013) 148-158.D. Li, P. Franke, S. Furtauer, D. Cupid, H. Flandorfer, The Cu-Sn phase diagram part II: new thermodynamic assessment, Intermetallics 34 (2013) 148e158....
Phase diagram investigation of the Cu–Sn system was carried out on twenty Cu-rich samples by thermal analysis (DTA), metallographic methods (EPMA/SEM-EDX) and crystallographic analysis (powder XRD, high temperature powder XRD). One main issue in this work was to investigate the high temperature...
The15thNationalConferenceofPhaseDiagramsofChinaandMultilateral Symposium 011Phase Diagrams andMaterialsDesign Cu.Sn二元系统相图的第一性原理研究 周伟,穆文凯,刘卫芳,刘立娟,吴萍 (天津大学理学院物理系,天津300072) 摘要:Sn基合金是目前微电子封装领域使用的的主要材料,但目前对于二元Cu-Sn系统研究的热 力学数据相对...
The 15th National Conference of Phase Diagrams of China and Multilateral Symposium 011 Phase Diagrams and Materials Design Cu.Sn二元系统相图的第一性原理研究 周伟,穆文凯,刘卫芳,刘立娟,吴萍 (天津大学理学院物理系,天津300072) 摘要:Sn基合金是目前微电子封装领域使用的的主要材料,但目前对于二元Cu-Sn系统研...
Peritectic alloy Cu-10.5 at.% Sn was directionally solidified at various growth speeds under a transverse static magnetic field. The experimental results indicated that the magnetic field caused the deformation of macroscopic interface morphology, the crystal orientation of primary phase along solidific...
AR一cu相圈 Fig.5 Phasediagram ofSn一3.5Ag—xCu calculatedbyThermc~Calc 3 结论 1)恒温时效 100h后 .Sw3.SAg—o5Cu/Cu界 面存在CuSn 和CuSn两层金属间化合物,而热一 图4 热一剪 循环时效后 Sn35Ag0.5Cu/Cu界面 剪切循环 至 720周 时,界面 上只有 CuSn 层 ,段 的扫描 电镜照片 有生成Cu,Sn...
1-1 Cu-Sn phase diagram [5]大体上,在软钎焊加工过程的典型温度下,也就是 260oC 以下,Cu6Sn5 是 在铜基板与液态锡界面处首先生成的相。这个反应的第一步是铜溶解于液态钎 料中,直到铜的浓度在铜与液态钎料界面处均匀地达到过饱和状态。使用热力 学方面的资料可以计算出这种过饱和浓度[8]。图 1-2 是...
Fig.1 The schematic diagram of fabricating joints 在240 ℃温度和1 N的压力下分别对Cu/Sn+Sn/Cu 结构钎焊 30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,360,480 min,然后对每个时间下的焊点进行金相制样,通过SEM(scanning electron microscope)分析组织演变规律. ...
According to the Cu–Sn phase diagram [31], Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn were the two equilibrium phases that formed between the Cu and Sn at the examined soldering temperature. Thus, the submicron-thick IMC layer that nucleated between the Cu6Sn5 and Cu was likely Cu3Sn. However, it was ...
For a particle radius of 10 nm the eutectic point is found at a temperature of 193.9 °C and a composition of Sn-1.8 wt% Ag-0.7 wt% Cu. This shift toward the Sn-rich corner of the phase diagram is roughly consistent with the model proposed by Lee et al. [38] for binary alloys,...