A., Espeso, with spin-glass-like behavior favored by hybridization. J. I. & Feránndez, J. R. Phase diagram Phys. Rev. B 61, 6821–6825 (2000). of the CeNi1−xCux Kondo system 38. Vogel, H. The law of the relationship between viscosity of liquids and the temperature. Phys. ...
In CZTS, Sn atom is at the center of tetrahedron with 4 neighboring S atoms so that Sn atom is very active to move by structural relaxations. Most importantly the conduction-bands in CZTS are formed by the hybridizations between the s electrons of Sn and p electrons of S so that the ...
Moreover, Fig.2 shows that the sp-d hybridizations in Cu(10-5)Co(1) and Cu(12-6)Co(1) wires are also less pronounced than other cases, while the hybridizations is much pronounced in Cu(10)Co(5-1) and Cu(12)Co(6-1) wires. This sp-d hy- bridizations also enhances the ...
The calculated g factors are found sensitive to the (Hartree-Fock) HF character due to the significant hybridization between copper and ligand orbitals. The calculated UV-visible spectra reveal that the main electronic transitions for CP 1 contain d-d and CT transitions, while those for CPs 2 ...
According to the density functional theory (DFT) calculation, Cu/CuO nanoparticles d-orbitals and CNFs p-orbitals present hybridization states, and the Na+ adsorption energy of the modified CNFs decreases from 2.14 to 2.97 eV. The Cu-CNFs composites exhibit excellent sodium storage properties, ...
Cu-Enzyme2 sequence and Cu-Sub sequence in PBS buffer of 50mM hybridization 1h to obtain the hybridization solution; (3) was added 2 μL 1 M SA and various concentrations of Cu (II) in the above hybridization solution initiator CuAAC and DNA cleavage reaction; (4) with a fluorescence sp...
Typical π-conjugated graphitic planes are formed via the sp2 hybridization of carbon and nitrogen atoms [37], which brings a large specific surface area, thus providing more reaction sites for heterogeneous reaction. Besides, g-C3N4 shows strong affinity for H2O2 and could easily adsorb them to ...
Nitrogen donor ligands of sp2 or sp3 hybridization showed no significant difference in CuAAC acceleration, but oxygen Molecules 2016, 21, 1393 14 of 22 or sulfur donors have no such effect [112]. Crystal structures of complexes between 2-picolylazide or 2-(2-azidoethyl)pyridine with CuCl2 ...
This complex group of peaks comprises two cerium oxidation states, covalence hybridization effects and spin-orbit splitting. It consists of five doublets corresponding to the 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 components. Three doublets, labelled as v–u, v –u and v –u , can be attributed to Ce4+, ...
uInctitohne pbraensdenatnwdotrhke, tbhaensdubgsatpituotfioCnuo2Mf ZgnxZbny1-xMSngS4ingcrraedauseadllythdeevcoreluasmede owf itthhe iunncriteacseilnl ganMdg recdounctendtt.he antibonding component of s–p and s–s hybridization between S2− and Sn4+. Hence, the minimum of the ...