The XPS spectra of Bi Sr La Cu Co O taken with Mg K伪 revealed a new discovery in Cu 2p spectrum, which is very important to the calculation of the ratio of the satellite versus main line intensities ( I/ I) and the BE separation W. Bi 4s core level spectrum whose peak position ...
以CO为分子探针进行的FT-IR光谱(Fig. 5D)也进一步证实Cu纳米颗粒表面不仅存在碳覆盖层导致CO吸附量减少,而且由于某种新物种的产生使CO吸附振动峰位置发生了位移。 Figure 2. C1s XPS spectra (A) and Raman spectra (B) of as-reduced Cu/SiO2 and as-calcined Cu@C/SiO2 catalysts, FT-IR spectra of Cu@...
通过XRD、SEM、AFM、TEM表征可以得出成功合成了直径为2 nm的 Cu2O簇修饰的TiO2纳米片作为催化剂,片厚度约为3.2 nm。 ▲Fig. 2.(a)Ti 2p and (b) Cu 2p XPS spectra of the prepared catalysts; (c) EPR spectra of the samples...
采用原位CO-DRIFTS和XAS光谱证实了Cu单原子位点的存在,表明单Cu单原子被锚定在COF的联吡啶单元上。 Figure 2. a) Cu 2p XPS spectra of Cu(OAc)2 and Cu-Bpy-COF. The in situ CO-DRIFTS for b) Bpy-COF and c) Cu-Bpy-COF. d) XANES and e) FT-EXAFS spectra at the Cu edge of Cu-Bpy-C...
(a) XRD patterns of the as-prepared Cu1.85Se/MWCNTs and Cu1.85Se, and (b) the corresponding XRD patterns in the range from 25° to 50°. XPS spectra of the Cu1.85Se/MWCNTs and Cu1.85Se. High resolution XPS of (c...
图2 不同脉冲偏压下TiN/Cu薄膜中Cu2p的XPSFig.2 XPS spectra of the TiN/Cu coatings deposited at different pulse bias voltages下载原图 图4 (a) 是Ti N晶粒尺寸随脉冲偏压变化的关系曲线。薄膜晶粒尺寸通过Scherer方程计算得到, Ti N的晶粒尺寸在11~17 nm之间, 与无离子束辅助时的结果相差不大[14]。脉...
Figure S5. XPS spectra of (c) Fe 2p 此外,根据Fe 2p光谱中1.1-1.4 eV向低结合能的转变,也证实了从K到Fe的电子转移(图S5c)。 这些结果表明K作为一个电子促进剂,还是起到了很重要的作用。铜和铁表面的电子富集可以明显影响反应物和中间物的吸附和活化,从而调节二氧化碳的转化和产品的选择性。
For Cu valence state, the high-resolution Cu2pXPS spectra of both Cu-CDs and Na2[Cu(EDTA)] showed the peaks at 932.5 eV (2p3/2) and 952.5 eV (2p1/2), respectively, which are associated with the Cu+/Cu0state (Fig.2b) rather than the Cu2+state before coordinated by EDTA4...
(a) Cu 2p XPS spectra, (b) Zr 3d XPS spectra, (c) amplified Cu 2p3/2 XPS spectra, and (d) Cu LMM XAES spectra . ▲图4.Cu–ZrO2催化剂近表面区域元素电子环境表征 催化剂的还原性能通过H2-TPR手段表征。如图5所示,...
Figure S5. XPS spectra of (c) Fe 2p 此外,根据Fe 2p光谱中1.1-1.4 eV向低结合能的转变,也证实了从K到Fe的电子转移(图S5c)。 这些结果表明K作为一个电子促进剂,还是起到了很重要的作用。铜和铁表面的电子富集可以明显影响反应物和中间物的吸附和活化,从而调节二氧化碳的转化和产品的选择性。