XPS结果如图2(c)所示,位于778.2 eV和782.0 eV的Co 2p3/2峰分别属于Co0和Co2C, 而位于787.5 eV的Co 2p3/2峰属于Co2+的卫星峰。 Fig.2. (a) XRD patterns, (b) slow-scanned XRD patterns at 2θ of 34–48°, and (...
3. EP-CoP 的 CO2RR 性能测试。Figure 3. (a) Co 2p XPS spectra of CoP (top), EP-CoP (middle) and CoTPP (bottom). (b) Cyclic voltammograms of CoTPP (purple), CoP (blue) and EP-CoP (pink), scan rate: 0.1 V s−1. (c) Linear scan voltammograms of bare CNTs (black), Co...
3. EP-CoP 的 CO2RR 性能测试。 Figure 3. (a) Co 2p XPS spectra of CoP (top), EP-CoP (middle) and CoTPP (bottom). (b) Cyclic voltammograms of CoTPP (purple), CoP (blue) and EP-CoP (pink), scan rate: 0.1 V s−1. (c) Linear scan voltammograms of bare CNTs (black), Co...
Figure 2. Structure characterization of catalysts and DFT calculation for OH* and HMF* adsorption at the Co3O4(110) and Cu0.29Co2.71O4(110) surface.XPS spectra of (a) Cu 2p, (b) Co 2p, (c) O 1s for Cu0.29Co2.71O...
Figure 3. (a) Co 2p XPS spectra of CoP (top), EP-CoP (middle) and CoTPP (bottom). (b) Cyclic voltammograms of CoTPP (purple), CoP (blue) and EP-CoP (pink), scan rate: 0.1 V s−1. (c) Linear scan voltammograms of bare CNTs (black), CoP (blue) and EP-CoP (pink) in...
(b) SEM image of La-Co3O4/CC. (c) SEM and corresponding EDX elemental mapping images of La-Co3O4/CC. (d) Low and (e) high magnification TEM images of La-Co3O4. (f) HRTEM image of La-Co3O4. XPS spectra of La-Co3O4andCo3O4in the (g) La 3d, (h) Co 2p, and (...
Overall XPS spectra (a), and N 1s spectra (b) for Fe/AC, Fe/CP and Fe/CNS(1000) (N1, pyridinic N; N2, pyrrolic N; N3, graphitic N; N4, oxidized N). (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.) 根据XPS表征的结果,与 Fe/AC 相比,Fe/CNS(1000) 和 Fe/CP 的 Fe ...
Figure 4. XPS analysis of (a) Pt 4f, (b) N 1s, (c) C1s, and (d) Co 2p spectra for optimal Pt/40Co-NC before and after a heat treatment at 900°C. 电化学性能测试表明,经过优化的Pt3Co金属间化合物催化剂表现出优异的催化活性,其半波电位可达0.92 V vs. RHE。同时,MOF前驱体中钴的...
X-ray photoelectron spectra/ XPSArtificially structured magnetic superlattices consisting of ultrathin Pd/Co multilayers with varying thickness exhibit strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. This particular property in such systemsis strongly correlated with the structure of the interface and its local ...
Fig. 2.(a)XRD patterns, (b) XPS survey scan spectra of catalysts, XPS spectra of (c) C 1 s, (d) O 1 s, (e) N 1 s, (f)Fe 2p, (g) Co 2p for P-Fe/Co/N@BC, (h) Raman spectroscopy of catalysts, N2adsorption–desorption isotherms of P-Fe/N@BC (i) and P-Fe/Co/N...