The CTQ diagram first starts with identifying what a customer’s needs. These needs are ones that a product or service will need to deliver for the customer to be happy and satisfied. One CTQ Tree should be completed for every need identified. Identifying these needs can be often be done ...
A critical-to-quality (CTQ) tree turns the desires of customers into action by mapping the characteristics of a product or service and determining how it can be improved. Learn more about CTQ trees, gathering customer data, and identifying measurable goals. ...
8 Technical Decomposition Approach of Critical to Quality Characteristics for Product Design for Six Sigma 原理說明 *** PDF 9 Internal Customers Matter Too: Using VOC Methods to Understand and Meet Internal Customer Needs 範例 *** PDF 10 Is Your Driver Tree Stuck in Neutral? 原理範例 *** PDF...
six sigmatree diagramconceptual modelproject objectivescritical to quality flowdownstrategic focal point/ E1610 Inspection and quality controlThe purpose of this article is to describe and clarify a tool that is at the core of the definition phase of most quality improvement projects. This tool is ...
This article provides a theoretical grounding of the CTQ flowdown, and also provides practitioners with a prescriptive template. Key words: balanced scorecard, key performance indicators, measurement, project definition, Six Sigma, tree diagram 展开 ...
*Note: A CTQ tree is a tool that can help prioritizing non-specific customer requirements. A separate CTQ tree must be done for each CTQ requirement. *备注:关键质量特性树,是用来帮助我们去区分非特定的客户要求的工具。每一项关键质量特性,都需要单独的关键质量特性树。
质量英语缩写 质量英语缩写 ABC activity-based cost AD axiomatic design AGV automated guided vehicle AI artificial intelligence AIAG Automotive Industry Action Group ANOVA analysis of variance (MANCOVA = analysis of covariance; MANOVA = multivariate ANOVA)APQP advanced product quality planning...
Process of developing a CTQ Tree 1) Identify the critical needs of the customers Here, the business organization identifies the factors that are critical for the customers to feel good about using the product or services. The business can do incorporate these broader customer requirements into their...