A Comparison of CT/CT Angiography and MRI/MR Angiography for Imaging of Vertebrobasilar Dolichoectasia. Clinical Neuroradiology. 2013.F rster A,SsoziJ,Al Zghloul M,etal.A comparisonofCT/CT angiography and MRI/MR angiography forimaging of verte brobasilardolichoectasia[J].Clin Neuroradio,2014...
冠状动脉CT血管造影(coronary computed tomography angiography,CCTA)是目前广泛使用的无创血管成像方法[2],尽管其实现了冠状动脉和斑块的高分辨率三维解剖,但尚未能有效地确定冠心病的生理及病理学特征[3]。 冠状动脉斑块的定量及定性分析可以从...
1.低能级图像提高血管增强对比 常规冠状动脉CT血 管成像(CTangiography,CTA)检查时使用的碘对比剂用量 为50~120ml,流速为5~7ml/s。 采用光谱CT的低能级技术 可以实现更低的对比剂流速和用量。 Yi等。 采用光谱CT 40~50keV图像,进行3ml/s、36ml碘对比剂的“双低”冠状 动脉CTA成像,获得了满意的图像质量。 O...
在冠状动脉成像领域,Zou等通过超分辨率深度学习重建(super-resolution deep learning reconstruction,SR-DLR)技术在冠状动脉CT血管成像(coronary computed tomography angiography,CCTA)中降低辐射剂量并改善图像质量。Wang等提出基于深度学习(deep learning,DL)的冠状动脉斑块分析算法,能够自...
Proton density (PD, top left), T1-weighted (T1, bottom left), T2-weighted (T2, top right), and MR angiography (MRA, bottom right) scans have very different image contrast that reveals specific information about various structures in the brain. 脑部CT与MRI的优缺点: CT MRI Advantages CT ...
2. 头颅MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)及血管成像(包括DWI和MRA):MRI对早期脑血栓形成更为敏感,特别是扩散加权成像(DWI)在发病几小时内即可显示病变;而磁共振血管造影(MRA)可以评估血管狭窄或闭塞情况。 3. CT灌注成像(CT Perfusion)和CT血管造影(CT Angiography, CTA):CT灌注有助于判断组织血流状态,CTA则可以直...
“middle cerebral artery”, “prediction”, “segmentation”, “tissue identification”, “lesion detection”, “dynamic model”, “dynamic evolution”, “penumbra”, “infarct”, “magnetic resonance imaging (vs. MRI)”, “rats/rodents”, “computed tomography (vs. CT)”, and “perfusion and ...
Higher Quality CT High Pressure Syringe MRI Angiography Syringe, Find Details and Price about High Pressure Syringe CT Syringe from Higher Quality CT High Pressure Syringe MRI Angiography Syringe - Xiamen Vida Healthcare Products Co., Ltd.
This study was an attempt to determine whether CT and MRI are comparable or if one is superior to the other in the early detection of ischemic stroke or hematoma. Patients with acute stroke were sought within 3 hours of onset for clinical examination and prospective evaluation by concurrently pe...
Oi S (1977) Computerized axial tomography in the diagnosis of multiple brain tumors-correlation with angiography and nuclear scanning. Neurol Surg (Tokyo) 5:833–840 CAS Google Scholar Olivecrona H (1967) The surgical treatment of intracranial tumors. In: Handbuch der Neurochirurgie, Bd IV, Tei...