An obvious solution is the combination of CCTA with a functional procedure, such as perfusion positron emission tomography (PET), perfusion single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) or perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This can be performed with fusion imaging or with hybrid imaging...
In order to further evaluate the clinical translation prospect of PAA-Gd, the 3D MR angiography in larger mammal animal, bama miniature swine, has also been conducted on a 3.0 T clinical human MRI instrument (Fig.7a). Two clinical contrast-enhanced MRI sequences, three-dimensional time-resol...
In both cases, an MRI-safe device should be implanted because CMR should be performed in the following weeks to definitely exclude CS. An EBUS-guided LN biopsy should also be performed when the patient is stabilized if the chest CT scan and/or the advanced cardiac imaging is consistent with...
MRI coronary angiography holds some promise but is still some way off routine clinical use [35], however as this continues to improve incorporation of this in WB-CVMR will become an interesting avenue for exploration in the future. Conclusion Global atheroma burden was significantly higher in ...
Cardiac CT is particularly useful for: (1) Determination of valvular regurgitation, shunt fraction, or estimation of ventricular function in patients with complex congenital heart disease who are contraindicated for Cardiac MRI, or who are unlikely to have a diagnostic MRI due to artifacts. (2) ...
Stoeck CT, Han Y, Peters DC, Hu P, Yeon SB, Kissinger KV, Goddu B, Goepfert L, Manning WJ, Kozerke S, Nezafat R (2009) Whole heart magnetization-prepared steady-state free precession coronary vein MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging 29(6):1293–1299 Article PubMed Google Scholar Botnar RM...
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI) is the gold standard imaging modality for diagnosing myocarditis and is useful in differentiating myocarditis from other etiologies of acute chest pain.41 In those with severe COVID-19 infection, obtaining a definitive diagnosis via cMRI may not be plausible...
(the myocardium volume of this phantom was 0.22 mL, and the radionuclide concentration was 32.1 MBq/mL). The apical portion was hemispherical. Data were acquired with a small-animal SPECT system (VECTor/CT, small-animal camera; MILabs, The Netherlands) equipped with the General Purpose Rat ...
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death and disease burden worldwide. Nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging with either single-photon emi
and may be manifested by ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) mismatch on V/Q scanning. Imaging modalities employed may include the following tests used either singly or in combination with other testing such as D-dimer screening: duplex ultrasonography (U/S) of the extremities, MRI, CT of th...