CT减影成像比CT灌注成像更易进行,辐射更小,但CT灌注成像所需碘造影剂更少。 MRI和MRCP—MRI和磁共振胰胆管成像(magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, MRCP)正越来越多地用于诊断AP及评估其严重程度。在提供关于疾病严重程度的准确信息上,MRI不劣于CT。MRI在检测是否存在胰腺坏死和积液及其范围上与CT同样有效...
Objective To investigate the clinical application of CT, MRI testing for intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinoma. Methods The imaging data of 30 cases with intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed. Results The qualitative diagnosis accuracy rate of MRI was 96.67%, while the ...
and CT cholangiopancreatography,while MRI group received MRI examination,MRA examination,MRCP examination.The images of two groups were compared and evaluated.Results In this study,there were no statistically significant differences in the peroperative diagnosing accuracy in portal vein,hepatic artery...
and CT cholangiopancreatography,while MRI group received MRI examination,MRA examination,MRCP examination.The images of two groups were compared and evaluated.Results In this study,there were no statistically significant differences in the peroperative diagnosing accuracy in portal vein,hepatic artery,...
Dorr and associates (2013) stated that clinical studies have consistently shown that there is only a very weak correlation between the angiographically determined severity of CAD and disturbance of regional coronary perfusion. On the other hand, the results of randomized trials with a fractional flow...
Krayenbühl H, Yasargil MG, Huber P (1979) Zerebrale Angiographie für Klinik und Praxis, 3. Aufl. Thieme, Stuttgart Google Scholar Kretzschmar K, Aulich A, Schindler E, Lange S, Grumme Th, Meese W (1978) The diagnostic value of CT for radiotherapy of brain tumors. Neuroradiology 14:...
—MRI Syringes— Medrad Spectris/ Solaris LF Optistar Elite Medtron MRI Nemoto Dual Shot More —Angio Syringes— Medrad Mark V & Mark VII LF Angiomat Illumena Medtron Accutron Nemoto 120S More —Sino Injectors— Sinopower-S100 Sinopower-D
Both these imaging tools may be specifically adequate in the prediction of response to anti-angiogenetic therapies such as bevacizumab. Biological agents are expensive and thus tools for early prediction of response, allowing us to stop therapy in nonresponders, are needed. Moreover, there exists ...
WB-DWI detected 131 bony lesions that were interpreted as metastases; of these 117 were true positives and 14 false positives due to benign bony changes (osteoarthritis, vertebral haemangio- mas, osseous infarctions and isolated bone marrow islands) and to magnetic field inhomogeneities due to air...
1 Conventional imaging with computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and bone scintigraphy has significant limitations in the evaluation of PC. Positron emission tomography (PET) for imaging PC has been spread worldwide due to both technological improvements on PET systems (e.g. ...