“block-level box一定会产生block formatting context”是错误的,block-level box须通过设置如overflow不...
不可替换行内块(non-replaced inline blocks)和不可替换表单元格(non-replaced table cells)是块容器盒,但不是块级盒。如果一个块级盒同时又是一个块容器盒,那么我们可以叫这个块级盒为块盒(block boxes)。 块级盒和块容器盒是两个并列的概念,他们的关系如下图: 更准确的图示: 3.1 匿名块盒(Anonymous blo...
1. a block-level box is also a block container box 2. Not all block container boxes are block-level boxes, 比如 table-cell | inline-block 3. Floats, absolutely positioned elements, block containers (such as inline-blocks, table-cells, and table-captions) that are not block boxes --- I...
overflow:hidden 的意思是超出的部分要裁切隐藏掉 那么如果 float 的元素不占普通流位置 普通流的包含块...
In CSS 2.1, many box positions and sizes are calculated with respect to the edges of >a rectangular box called a containing block.In general, generated boxes act as >containing blocks for descendant boxes; we say that a box "establishes" the >containing block for its descendants. The phrase...
首先,我们来了解构成页面的元素。在 CSS 中,我们的每个元素本质上都是一个盒子,盒模型决定了一个元素的大小和他所占大小,盒模型由以下几部分组成:Margin(外边距) - 清除边框外的区域,外边距是透明的。Border(边框) - 围绕在内边距和内容外的边框。Padding(内边距) - 清除内容周围的区域,内边距是透明的...
You don't need to worry about inline elements since the way they are laid out doesn't depend directly on containing blocks. We'll talk about them later in the chapter. 不必担心inline element,因为他们的摆放方式并不直接依赖于包含块。
这一周我们重新回到《重学CSS》系列,之前的文章中我们重新学习了《CSS 选择器》和《CSS 语法与规则》。接下来我们就一起来讲讲 CSS 里面的排版与正常流。 在讲解 CSS 当中的排版和正常流的时候,我们会按照属性的一些逻辑关系来分成几个部分来讲解与学习。
TextPad allows you to edit multiple files simultaneously, drag and drop text between files, indent blocks of text, split or join lines, insert whole files, and undo and redo any changes down to the very first change you made on your document. TextPad also has a customizable toolbar and ...
Block And Inline Boxes I am going to mention block boxes a lot in this article. Every element of your page has a box. Some of those boxes are laid out as blocks: paragraphs, list items, headings. These are said to be participating in a block formatting context. Others are inline such...