1. static(默认的)/relative:简单说就是它的父元素的内容框(即去掉padding的部分)2. absolute: 向...
不可替换行内块(non-replaced inline blocks)和不可替换表单元格(non-replaced table cells)是块容器盒,但不是块级盒。如果一个块级盒同时又是一个块容器盒,那么我们可以叫这个块级盒为块盒(block boxes)。 块级盒和块容器盒是两个并列的概念,他们的关系如下图: 更准确的图示: 3.1 匿名块盒(Anonymous blo...
border-box 使用border-box,我们的 width 就包含了 padding 和 border 的尺寸了。回去看看我们盒模型的图,我们可以看到border-box的黄色线括着的区域,它所占据的空间和范围。 这样当我们给一个盒,padding 和 border 的时候,就不会影响我们给予盒子的 width。这样我们就可以保证我们盒子在没有 margin 的时候它所占...
1、设置页面滚动 height:calc(100vh-220px);overflow-y:auto; 2、图片默认3px的空白间隙 display: block; 3、设置图片宽高一样大,而且随着屏幕自适应 width:0.3vw;height:0.3vw 4、flex布局之多行多列 https://www.cnblogs.com/AAABingBingBing/p/14756002.html https://blog.csdn.net/DZY_12/article/det...
Tests relating to the content of this specification may be documented in “Tests” blocks like this one. Any such block is non-normative.Conformance classesConformance to this specification is defined for three conformance classes: style sheet A CSS style sheet. renderer A UA that interprets...
LESS, therefore, is a framework that adds programmer-friendly concepts to CSS coding, such as variables, blocks and functions. Strictly related to dynamic CSS generation is the problem of processing it to plain CSS for the browser to consume. The client can process the LESS code throug...
Line boxes are created as needed to hold inline-level content within an inline formatting context. Line boxes that contain no text, no preserved white space, no inline elements with non-zero margins, padding, or borders, and no other in-flow content (such as images, inline blocks or inline...
flowrift Flowrift is a library made of beautifully designed Tailwind CSS UI blocks. twind The smallest, fastest, most feature complete tailwind-in-js solution in existence Pico.css Elegant styles for all natives HTML elements without .classes and dark mode automatically enabled. clay.css Extensible...
Box Model规定了元素框处理元素内容(element content)、内边距(padding)、边框(border) 和 外边距(margin) 的方式。盒子模型有 block,inline-block,inline,flex,table-cell等几种显示方式。 如图所示,元素的高度和宽度指的是盒子模型的content区域的高度和宽度,不包括内边距以外的部分。(IE的content则是包含border、...
Thin borders create a subtle and refined look, and they are often used for minimalist designs or to separate content blocks subtly. Thick borders demand attention and can be used to highlight important elements or add visual weight. Varying border widths can establish a visual hierarchy and creat...