全屏模式 设置元素样式 html,body{position:relative;display:grid;align-items:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;height:100%;margin:0;}.main{width:50vw;padding:2em;text-align:center;transition:background-color100msease;}.main:fullscreen{background-color:DarkRed;color:white;} 这个示例主要就在...
background-color: pink; position: fixed; top:0; left:0; z-index: 1; }元素在全屏显示模式下的CSS样式css伪类:fullscreen应用于当前处于全屏显示模式的元素。全屏模式box2const targetElement = document.querySelector('.main'); const togglePatternButton = document.querySelector('#toggle-pattern'); to...
:fullscreen { background-color: yellow; } /* 设置按钮的样式 */ button { padding: 20px; font-size: 20px; } 全屏模式 单击“打开全屏模式”按钮以全屏模式打开此页面。通过单击键盘上的“Esc”键或使用“关闭全屏模式”按钮将其关闭。 打开全屏模式 关闭全屏模式 // 使用 JavaScript 在全屏模式...
背景颜色(color) 语法: background-color:颜色值; 默认的值是 transparent 透明的背景图片(image) 语法: background-image : none | url (url) 参数 作用 none 无背景图(默认的) url 使用绝对或相对地址指定背景图像 background-image : url(images/demo.png); 小技巧: 我们提倡 背景图片后面的地址,url不要...
CSS 中文开发手册 背景 | ::backdrop (Fullscreen API) - CSS 中文开发手册 这是一种实验技术 由于该技术的规格不稳定,请查看各种浏览器的兼容性表格以供使用。另外请注意,随着规范的变化,实验技术的语法和行为在未来版本的浏览器中可能会发生变化。 ::backdrop
#fullscreen:fullscreen{padding:42px;background-color:pink;border:2px solid #f00;font-size:200%;}#fullscreen:fullscreen>h1{color:red;}#fullscreen:fullscreen>p{color:DarkRed;}#fullscreen:fullscreen>button{display:none;} 结果 (如果'进入全屏'按钮不起作用,请点击此处) ...
UsesBackground Element MSVidEVR (Windows) IEventProperty interface (COM+) IConfigAsfWriter2 interface (Windows) INLINE_NOTIFY_DATA_CHANGE_ENTRY structure (Windows) InterlockedOr16Acquire function (Windows) IStorage::RemoteOpenStream method (Windows) IInputPersonalizationDataSite interface (Windows) ULongLon...
The screen and the printed page are very different beasts. Each has its own set of layout concerns and optimizations. We have all encountered Web pages that provide a link to a "print-optimized" Web page that removes headers, sidebars, and background images. What if you could just print ...
These moving parts let you do things such as apply a background image that scrolls along with the items. When the surface area is bigger than the viewport, the viewport shows scrollbars (vertical or horizontal, as needed). Styling ListView items is straightforward. There are .win-item and ...
The screen and the printed page are very different beasts. Each has its own set of layout concerns and optimizations. We have all encountered Web pages that provide a link to a "print-optimized" Web page that removes headers, sidebars, and background images. What ...