背景颜色(color) 语法: background-color:颜色值; 默认的值是 transparent 透明的背景图片(image) 语法: background-image : none | url (url) 参数 作用 none 无背景图(默认的) url 使用绝对或相对地址指定背景图像 background-image : url(images/demo.png); 小技巧: 我们提倡 背景图片后面的地址,url不要...
The screen and the printed page are very different beasts. Each has its own set of layout concerns and optimizations. We have all encountered Web pages that provide a link to a "print-optimized" Web page that removes headers, sidebars, and background images. What if you could just print ...
@media handheld { body { font-size: 10pt; background-color: #5c87b2; } } @media screen { body { font-size: 18pt } } @media screen, print { body { line-height: 1.2 } } Figure 3 Media queries for handheld, print and screen As you can see from the selectors in Figure 3, ...
The screen and the printed page are very different beasts. Each has its own set of layout concerns and optimizations. We have all encountered Web pages that provide a link to a "print-optimized" Web page that removes headers, sidebars, and background images. What ...
FormPostBodyStringNode FormTag Вперед Переадреснаякосаячерта FourColumns FourRows FourthOfFourColumns FourthOfFourRows Fragment FrameBorder FrameContainer FrameSelect Рамок Инфраструктура FrameworkDesignStudio FrameworkError FrameworkPrivate Framework...
Instead, we’ll add a media query that substitutes the video with our poster image on screens 750 pixels wide or smaller. @media (max-width: 750px) { #background-video { display: none; } body { background: url("https://assets.codepen.io/6093409/river.jpg") no-repeat; background-...
Example #1: Single Image (see demo) A quick solution to fix the problem mentioned earlier: make the edge of the image the same color as the BODY background color. Here, I’m going to use Web Designer Wall as an example. Take a look at the image below and notice the edge is a sol...
Well, the preview showed an image displaying, guess it lied. Seehttp://img94.imageshack.us/i/boxux.jpg/for the effect. Reply Pavel Kuts May 12, 2010 at 8:21 am Ok, so this dosesn’t degrade that nicely. It does in IE6&7, which is cool and all. But i have this question –...
html,body{ min-height:100%; } 会成功的。 默认情况下,甚至html和body都仅与它们所容纳的内容一样大,但绝不超过窗口的宽度/高度。 这通常会导致非常奇怪的结果。 您可能还需要阅读http://css-tricks.com/perfect-full-page-background-image/ 有一些很棒的方法可以实现非常好的和可伸缩的完整背景图像。
body { background-image: url(...