In economics, the triple bottom line (TBL) maintains that companies should commit to focusing as much on social and environmental concerns as they do on profits. TBL theory posits that instead of one bottom line, there should be three: profit (this is the traditional measure of corporate profi...
SMEs and CSR theory: Evidence and implications from an Italian perspective. Journal of Business Ethics 67(3): 305-316.Perrini, F., Russo, A. and Tencati, A. (2006), ``SMEs and CSR theory: evidence and implications from an Italian perspective'', Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 67 ...
三重底线理论的英文释义如下: In economics, the triple bottom line (TBL) maintains that companies should commit to focusing as much on social and environmental concerns as they do on profits. TBL theory posits that instead of one bottom line, there should be three: profit (this is the traditio...
企业社会责任的理论(Stakeholders Theory)是指企业在经营过程中,要把股东、员工、供应商、顾客、社区、政府、地球等利益相关方都要考虑进去,所以也叫利益相关方理论 当年是在英国学的这个专业,英国叫企业社会责任(corporate social responsibility),法国和香港那边的专业叫企业可持续发展(ESG),我们学的内容都差不多 企业...
To do this, two key CSR theories:stakeholder theory and Carroll's CSR Pyramid, are analysed. We consider how boththeories need to be adapted for a social enterprise context, before presenting a revisedstakeholder theory of the social enterprise, and introducing the social enterpriseresponsibility ...
当当上海外文书店旗舰店在线销售正版《按需印刷The Contribution of Porter and Kramer's Concept of Creating Shared Value to CSR Theory》。最新《按需印刷The Contribution of Porter and Kramer's Concept of Creating Shared Value to CSR Theory》简介、书评、试读、
当天问题虽多,但我从机构论(institutional theory)视角,以CSR驱动力做重点切入,一则解析企业参与CSR的共通理由,一则说明跨国企业CSR的境内外差异。这种分析法深受访客肯定,均表获益良多,故特此与读者分享。 来源| 陆家嘴杂志 作者| 邱慈观 CSR系指企业将环社项目,自愿地纳入运营,以符合多种利害相关方的需求与期望...
Archie Carroll’s CSR Pyramid explained, the basic theory Carroll’s CSR pyramid is a framework and theory that explains how and why organisations should take social responsibility. The pyramid was developed byArchie B. Carrolland highlights the four most important types of responsibility of organisat...
The theory of the “triple bottom line” can help organizations as they pursue corporate social responsibility. As a financial framework, the triple bottom line refers to the idea that a company’s business model should revolve around the three P’s: people, planet and profit. By maximizing al...
it combines the insights of leading researchers and thinkers in the fields of management theory and the social sciences – and from all over the world, thus contributing to the interdisciplinary and intercultural discussion on the role of business in society. The underlying intention of this series...