PLANT ecologyA number of plant traits influence the success of fertilization and reproduction in plants. Collectively these traits represent ecological syndromes that are of evolutionary significance. However, while an association between mating system and colonizing ability has been proposed, the existence...
CSR theoryfunctional traitshierarchy of traitsleaf economic spectrummultiple phenotypesSummary 1. Identifying ecological strategies based on functional traits has been one of the main focuses of studies on plant community assembly. Recently, an important and timely tool, "StrateFy", has been proposed ...
was missing a theoretical foundation. Having a proper theory is quite essential to easily illustrate complex concepts (Frynas & Yamahaki,2016), thereby indicating scope for future research to have richer theoretical support.
According to this theory, humans have three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness; when all of them are fulfilled, it develops the behavior and motivates them to perform the task19. Regarding green consumption behavior, it is clarified that when Chinese students find the ...
CSR as an ethics of corporate responsibility is an instrument of governance by a generalization of the theory of the agency. The company is seen as an implicit or explicit node of contracts that connects several actors (shareholders, creditors, employees, consumers, suppliers, communities, NGOs ....
Grime's CSR triangle community assembly comparative ecology plant economics spectrum plant functional type survival strategy universal adaptive strategy theory GrimesCSRtriangle 社区组装 比较生态学 计划经济学范畴 植物功能类型 生存策略 普遍适应性战略理论”的组合应对组合的影响。DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12722 被...
Furthermore, using the social issue life cycle theory, this study investigates the mediating effect of CR in the relationship between CSR initiatives and LCD. Although various studies have explored CSR in India by investigating the essential CSR drivers (Govindan et al., 2014) and the framework ...
(1998) Soshiki Ron (Organisation Theory), Tokyo: Yuhikaku Aruma. Lawrence, P.R. and Lorsch, J.W. (1967) Organisation and Environment, Division of Research, Boston: Harvard Business School. Nikkei Ecology (2005) Make use of NPO 6: 26–28. Nonaka, I. and Katsumi, A. (2004) ...
Woo Bin Kim (PhD, Seoul National University) is a Postdoctoral researcher of Design and Environmental Analysis at the College of Human Ecology, Cornell University, USA. Her primary research interests center on exploring consumers’ psychological mechanisms and creative behaviors within technology-driven ...
Doing so would expand research horizons to include cosmological perspectives (astrophysics), evolutionary theory (biology, genetics, ecology), and non-sectarian spirituality concepts (theological naturalism, cognitive neuroscience). Absent this shift, SIM studies risk increasing irrelevance for scholars and ...