ConvertTo-JsonForPSWS Copy-CsVoicePolicy Debug-CsAddressBookReplication Debug-CsDataConference Debug-CsInterPoolReplication Debug-CsIntraPoolReplication Debug-CsLisConfiguration Debug-CsStorageServiceFailures Debug-CsUnifiedContactStore Disable-CsAdDomain Disable-CsAdForest Disable-CsComputer Disable-CsHostingProvid...
csl_data.json2021-01-262.20MB 文档 Chinese Scientific Literature Dataset中文科学文献数据集(CSL) 本数据集仅供个人研究学习使用 1. 简介 中文科学文献数据集(CSL) 包括各类 NLP 任务的中文科学文献语料数据。 2. 数据 论文标题生成 计算机领域的论文摘要和标题数据,可用于短文本摘要生成。 数据...
The websites redirects visitors to use SSL encryption, e.g. from to Default protocol https Structured Data Formats The Open Graph protocol, originally developed by Facebook, is an RDFa-based format that enables any web page to become a rich objec...
1.密码MD5加密 登录接口,password是加密的情况下,使用MD5这个函数生成password 如果没有MD5,可以使用digest这个函数 2.json提取器 登录成功后,返回一个成功消息如下,是json格式的 在JSON Path Expression后面输入:.data后,点击Test按钮,上面json中的data值被提取出来了 在这个请求下添加JSON Extractor,如下填写,... ...
JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) is a method of encoding Linked Data using JSON. JSON-LD Generic RDFa (Resource Description Framework in attributes) is RDFa without further specialization. Generic RDFa Markup Language HTML5 is the fifth revision of the HTML standard. ...
letexample=newCite('Q21972834')letoutput=example.format('bibliography',{format:'html',template:'apa',lang:'en-US'})console.log(output) To test this code, go toRunKit. Async Use the async API (recommended for Wikidata, URL, and DOI input) like this: ...
You may find it helpful to see how the examples from that page have been coded into a YAML database. The YAML format follows the same principles as CSL-JSON. Tips when using the style Things will automatically get tagged ‘[Online]’ if you include a URL, DOI, or access date. For ...
The rest of this example shows how to save that configuration to a file and then import it back into the location configuration database.In line 2 we pipe the contents of $lisconfig, which is the byte array representing the LIS configuration, to the full path and file name of the file ...
The rest of this example shows how to save that configuration to a file and then import it back into the location configuration database.In line 2 we pipe the contents of $lisconfig, which is the byte array representing the LIS configuration, to the full path and file name of the file ...
Example 2 updates the switch created in Example 1 by adding address information. (This is actually deleting the existing entry and replacing it with this new entry.) If the address does not exist in the location database, this cmdlet will create that location....