掌握了JSON的基础后,接下来我们将聚焦于CL-JSON的核心功能之一——解析JSON数据。CL-JSON提供了一系列函数来支持JSON数据的解析工作,其中最常用的当属parse-json函数。通过简单的API调用,如(parse-json "[\"apple\", \"banana\", \"cherry\"]"),即可将JSON字符串转换为Lisp列表或其他合适的数据结构。此外,CL...
一、 准备工作 1、 首先要去官方下载json-lib工具包 下载地址: http://sourceforge.net/projects/j...
『SAP根据源码导入/ui2/cl_json类』 之前我都是用CALL TRANSFORMATION id方式来解析json数据的,结果发现解析出来的的数据有问题。 无奈之下只好使用/ui2/cl_json类方法了,结果发现SAP版本不够,没有这个方法,网上找到源码不知道如何使用,总不可能我手动一个一个建方法和属性吧。 然后找啊找,终于找到一种方法了。
CL-JSON CL-JSON provides an encoder of Lisp objects to JSON format and a corresponding decoder of JSON data to Lisp objects. Both the encoder and the decoder are highly customizable; at the same time, the default settings ensure a very simple mode of operation, similar to that provided by...
Json encoder and decoder for Common-Lisp. Contribute to hankhero/cl-json development by creating an account on GitHub.
【cl】Json学习 http://www.cnblogs.com/java-pan/archive/2012/04/07/2436507.html
FUNCTION zhri_rfc_uim_creat_id . *"--- *"*"本地接口: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(...
First results: /ui2/cl_json is there, but not released for use. Used classes cl_abap_*descr are also not released, so zcl_json will also not work... There is https://github.com/SAP/abap-platform-yy and https://github.com/SAP/abap-platform-jak but the later is not really a repl...
CLASS lcl_test DEFINITION FINAL FRIENDS /ui2/cl_json. PUBLIC SECTION. DATA: id TYPE i. DATA: children TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF REF TO lcl_test. METHODS: constructor. PROTECTED SECTION. DATA: prot TYPE i. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: priv TYPE i. ENDCLASS. Best regards, Alexey. Reply All...
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-std=c99' update: tasks.json { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "MSVC__Build__debug__EXE", "type": "cppvsdbg", "request": "launch", "program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe", ...