CSHL Scientists Trace Causal Link Between A Tumor Suppressor Gene And Liver CancerScientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory have taken the search for cancer-causing genes an important step forward. In a newly published paper, they confirm that a gene called DLC1 is a tumor suppressor. They ...
近日,bioRxiv刊登了一篇关于更快速更精确检测融合基因的新工具的文章,文章来自哈佛-麻省理工学院Broad Institute的Brian J. Haas和冷泉港实验室(CSHL)的Alex Dobin等人。他们将这一新开发的工具命名为STAR-Fusion。 STAR-Fusion可从RNA-seq数据中快速并精确地检测出融合基因,检测流程分为三步:一是利用STAR软件将测序r...
Chapter 9 - Mechanisms of Meiotic Gene Conversion or Wanderings on a Foreign StrandRobert K. Mortimer