Altruism and Spite in a Sel ® sh Gene Model of Endogenous PreferencesField, Soldiers
1) Small hydrophobic(SH)gene SH基因例句>> 2) SH protein gene SH蛋白基因3) small hydrophobic(SH) protein gene 小疏水蛋白(SH)基因4) Small hydrophobic(SH)protein gene 小疏水(SH)蛋白基因5) -SH 巯基(-SH)6) Aromatic hydrophobic surface 巯基(SH)...
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SIRP alpha/SHPS-1 基因概述 SIRPA gene / cDNA is a protein-coding gene which located on 20p13. The SIRPA gene is conserved in chimpanzee, Rhesus monkey, dog, cow, mouse, rat, and chicken.93 organisms have orthologs with human gene SIRPA. ...
The uvsH DNA repair gene of Aspergillus nidulans has been cloned by complementation of the uvsH77 mutation with a cosmid library containing genomic DNA inserts from a wild-type strain. Methylmethane sulfonate (MMS)-resistant transformants were obtained on medium containing 0.01% MMS, to which uv...
Sh ble 基因筛选抗生素 英文名Selective antibiotic, for the Sh ble gene 级别BC Grade | Assay 75.0~125.0%相关类别抗生素 储存冷藏(2-8℃) 避光 编 号包装库存目录价(¥)您的价格(¥)数量 A620211-0100100 MG现货651651 产品描述 概述 该抗生素是博莱霉素家族的成员之一,主要成分为腐草霉素D1,sh ble基因...
Resistance to the antibiotic Zeocin™ is conferred by the Sh ble gene from Streptoalloteichus hindustanus. The DNA sequence of this gene was modified by optimizing the codon usage and deleting 50 CpG motifs without changing the amino acid sequence of the wild type protein. The CpG-free Sh...
GENE 基因技术 添加自选 0.765 0.0000.00% 收盘价 10/16 16:00 (美东) 370.81万总市值-0.45市盈率TTM 0.000最高价0.000最低价0股成交量0.000今开0.765昨收0.00成交额0.00%换手率亏损市盈率(静)484.72万总股本3.59052周最高3.21市净率66.76万流通值0.66752周最低--股息TTM87.26万流通股1385.000历史最高--股息率...
英文名Selective antibiotic, for the Sh ble gene,100 mg/ml 相关类别抗生素储存冷冻(-20℃) 避光 编 号包装库存目录价(¥)您的价格(¥)数量 A620212-00011 ML现货714714 A620212-00055 ML咨询30353035 产品描述 概述 该抗生素是博莱霉素家族的成员之一,主要成分为腐草霉素D1,sh ble基因抗性。此抗生素是Strepto...
通常这些短的,双链RNA分子(shRNA)是由体外产生且价格昂贵。采用Pol III启动子在体内表达短发夹RNA(shRNA)是有效的降低基因表达一个更为经济的方法。Strtagene开发了GeneEraser shRNA表达系统优化了shRNA的表达及基因的抑制。体外合成siRNA的方法尽管非常有效,但其抑制的持久性通常仅有5-7天,使之不能用来进行长期...