Of course, you can also find the CSFML API documentation in the SDK. Building Building CSFML follows typical CMake conventions. Here's how to get started. Install SFML. This may be done in a variety of ways including using a system package manager or building and installing SFML from sour...
SFML决定不需要数字对,因为sf::Vector 2 T的使用与API的其余部分更一致。- 所以我将代码改为使用SF...
# add an option for building the API documentation csfml_set_option(CSFML_BUILD_DOC FALSE BOOL "TRUE to generate the API documentation, FALSE to ignore it") csfml_set_option(CSFML_BUILD_DOC OFF BOOL "ON to generate the API documentation, OFF to ignore it") # add an option for linkin...
# CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK is set to "NEVER" for example. Please refer to CMake documentation for more details. # Moreover, keep in mind that SFML frameworks are only available as release libraries unlike dylibs which # are available for both release and debug modes. ...
I did absolutely everything according to the instructions and it came out as usual, I read the documentation, this error is not specified, in the console in quotes should be the directory of the audio file, but it is empty, how do you understand it? I searched a lot on the Internet,...
Could be more or less a 1:1 copy, I don't like spreading documentation across multiple places, especially since it's not an obvious place to look. A 1:1 copy would look weird to me. What about giving a link to SFMLConfig.cmake from SFML tutorials page? This way you can also make...
# add an option for building the API documentation sfml_set_option(SFML_BUILD_DOC FALSE BOOL "TRUE to generate the API documentation, FALSE to ignore it") sfml_set_option(SFML_BUILD_DOC OFF BOOL "ON to generate the API documentation, OFF to ignore it") if(SFML_BUILD_DOC) add_subdirecto...
Please refer to CMake documentation for more details. # Moreover, keep in mind that SFML frameworks are only available as release libraries unlike dylibs which # are available for both release and debug modes. # # If SFML is not installed in a standard path, you can use the SFML_ROOT C...
Of course, you can also find the CSFML API documentation in the SDK. Building Building CSFML follows typical CMake conventions. Here's how to get started. Install SFML. This may be done in a variety of ways including using a system package manager or building and installing SFML from sour...