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Make an inquiry All fields marked with * are required. First name * Last name * Company * Country * Business phone * Email * Please tell us how CSC can help * Maximum of 250 characters allowed Maximum of 250 characters allowed Submit your contact information ...
Email:enquiry@apcsc.com Speakers & Panelists Jason Chu Chairman Asia Pacific Customer Service Consortium Mike Mi China Council for International Investment Promotion Secretariat ICCPC Professor Francis Law Chairman International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management Institute ...
Email* Name* Tel* Title* Mobile Company* Fax Address Country /City Payment Methods ChequeCrossed cheques should be made payable to Asia Pacific Customer Service Consortium Limited Telegraphic TransferPlease kindly make payment in HK$ to the following account:-Account Name: Asia Pacific Customer Servi...
Contact us This form will direct us an email with your query. First name:Your first name Last name:Your last name Telephone:Where can we reach you E-mail:Where can we reach you Your messageDescribe your situation
Email* Phone* Best Time To Reach You How Can We Assist You?*Choose oneNo-Cost IT AssessmentNetwork UpgradesNetwork UpgradesNetwork InfrastructureSlow Network SpeedsFirewalls and Data SecuritySurveillance/Security CamerasManaged IT/Help Desk Services ...
在Jira Software Cloud、Jira Service Desk Cloud、Jira Core Cloud、Bitbucket Cloud、Confluence Cloud、Statuspage、Opsgenie 和 Trello 中,服务器上存储客户数据和附件的数据驱动器使用全磁盘行业标准 AES-256 静态加密。 对于静态加密,具体而言,我们会加密存储在磁盘上的客户数据,例如 Jira 事务数据(详细信息、评论...
This will encourage more women as VLEs. CSC facilitates standardization of services and also promote capacity building of stakeholders. At CSC’s, localised help desk support facility is also present. Contentshide List of Services by Common Service Centers (CSC’s) ...
Las unidades de datos de los servidores que alojan los archivos adjuntos y los datos de los clientes de Jira Software Cloud, Jira Service Desk Cloud, Jira Core Cloud, Bitbucket Cloud, Confluence Cloud, Statuspage, OpsGenie y Trello utilizan el cifrado de disco completo AES-256 estándar del...
Email* Please tell us how CSC can help*Maximum of 250 characters allowed Maximum of 250 characters allowed Submityour contact information In the face of a hybrid workforce and increasing regulatory complexities, organizations need the right technology and service to effectively manage their subsidiary ...