Climate-smart agriculture (CSA): A way of agriculture risk managementLal SinghParmeet SinghRH KanthAmal SaxenaAmjad MasoodTsultim PalmoIqra MushtaqDivya ParasarAkiNik Publications
CSA(Climate-Smart Agriculture)是一种可持续发展的农业实践,旨在应对气候变化、提高农业生产力和适应性,同时减少温室气体排放。CSA农业实施方案是为了推动农业生产方式的转变,以应对日益严峻的气候挑战和粮食安全问题。在这篇文档中,我们将介绍CSA农业实施方案的关键要素和实施步骤,以及其对农业可持续发展的重要意义。 首...
Find out about the Climate Smart Agriculture, as well as important and key details about it which are crucial for the UPSC exam. Also read about the approaches and actions constituting Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), and its importance. For IAS preparat
1) climate-sensitive activity 影响气候的活动;对气候敏感的活动 CSA2) Cyclosporine A CsA 1. Objective To investigate the effect of cyclosporine A ( CsA) on the ultrastructure and proliferation of lens epithelial cells(LECs). 目的研究环孢素A(CsA)在不同情况下,对兔晶状体上皮细胞(RLECs)超微...
The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) propagates adaptation to tackle the irreversible climate change impact and its associated risks. The Hague Conference on Agriculture, Food Security, and Climate Change in 2010 gave the concept of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) as an adaptation ...
Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)Financial Institutions (FIs)Agriculture SectorClimate Change (CC)Optimal use of natural resources in the agriculture sector will help to overcome negative impact on the environment. This sector is highly vulnerable to climatSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
There’s a pretty fair chance you’re going to start hearing a lot of references to “climate-smart agriculture” in the next few days (and very likely into the future, even after thestories of arrested protesters die down). It’s a complex term, especially in that it’s very easy to...
Climatechangefundamentallyshiftstheagriculturaldevelopment agenda.Changingtemperatureandprecipitation,sealevelrise, andtherisingfrequencyofextremeclimateeventswill significantlyreduceglobalfoodproductioninthiscenturyunless actionistaken.Majorinvestments,privateandpublic,willbe ...
Particularly, little is known whether adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) augments crop yield and income. Therefore, we investigate the impact of CSA adoption on yield and income in Bangladesh, one of the countries of the world most vulnerable to climate change and disaster prone. To ...
C: Climate and Planet Positive 绿色发展 T: Transparency透明真实 这是复星成立以来“修身、齐家、立业、助天下”的初心延续,也是ESG实践长期贯彻执行的保障。 展望未来,复星将持续深耕产业,深化创新及全球化布局,推动业务的长期可持续发展,为各利益相关方创造长远的价值,坚定践行“让全球家庭生活更幸福”的使命。