During a recent review of its standards, the CSA Group identified CSA A370:14 Connectors for masonry as a high priority for modification and adaptation to climate change. This assessment was based primarily on the inclusion of annual Driving Rain Index (aDRI) values in the standard for various...
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) offers an integrated approach to address these intertwined challenges, focusing on three main objectives: (1) sustainably increasing productivity and incomes; (2) building resilience and adapting to climate change; and (3) removing and/or reducing greenhouse gas ...
Find out about the Climate Smart Agriculture, as well as important and key details about it which are crucial for the UPSC exam. Also read about the approaches and actions constituting Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), and its importance. For IAS preparat
Climatechangefundamentallyshiftstheagriculturaldevelopment agenda.Changingtemperatureandprecipitation,sealevelrise, andtherisingfrequencyofextremeclimateeventswill significantlyreduceglobalfoodproductioninthiscenturyunless actionistaken.Majorinvestments,privateandpublic,willbe needed. Adaptingagriculturetoclimatechangeisnecessary...
Technical Guide: Permafrost Infrastructure: Guidelines for Adapting to Climate Change首页 标准 CSA PLUS 4011-2019 CSA PLUS 4011-2019 预览[下载] 发布历史CSA PLUS 4011-2019预览CSA PLUS 4011-2019前三页 标准号 CSA PLUS 4011-2019 发布 2019年 总页数 96页 发布单位 加拿大标准协会 当前最新 CSA PLUS...
Financial Institutions (FIs)Agriculture SectorClimate Change (CC)Optimal use of natural resources in the agriculture sector will help to overcome negative impact on the environment. This sector is highly vulnerable to climatSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
This Standard a) specifies minimum values for certain parameters; b) establishes the suitability of different design options; c) establishes recommendations for zoning, controls, and monitoring; and d) outlines best practice for energy conservation, decarbonization, and adaptation to climate change. 1.3...
Everyone agrees that climate change has and will have a disastrous or at least dramatic affect on agriculture. In colder countries, the outlook isn’t as grim; European corn production could rise as temperature hikes actually increase its growing season. But that isn’t exactly a solution; Euro...
Understanding the effects of climate change adaptation measures by smallholder farm households in flood-prone areas remains underdeveloped. Particularly, little is known whether adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) augments crop yield and income. Therefore, we investigate the impact of CSA adoption...
Introduction Our approach to the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) is based on the belief that financial analysis is incomplete if it ignores material extra financial factors. Sustainability trends such as resource scarcity, climate change, or an aging population continuously reshape a company’s...