编程项目 Crossword(填字):将填字游戏建模为一个CSP,每个方格序列都是一个变量,要求完成一个求解器 - 从给定的词汇表中为每个变量选择一个不同的词,满足所有的一元和二元约束条件。解决方案的编程要实现回溯搜索和 AC-3 算法。本项目需要安装 Python pillow 软件包。 机器学习(Learning) 第五讲介绍了机器学习基...
A collection of 12 unique AI programs made using various concepts of AI including Optimization, Machine Learning and NLP. Programs include a tic-tac-toe simulator, crossword generator, minesweeper simulator, traffic sign identification using CNN, a q-n-a
Which are used to be able to solve the crossword. It consisted of implementing the ac3 algorithm and basically going over the given word possibilities singling out the ones that were not consistent with the contraints and keeping the ones that were. To speed things up I implement the least ...
Crossword(填字):将填字游戏建模为一个CSP,每个方格序列都是一个变量,要求完成一个求解器 - 从给定的词汇表中为每个变量选择一个不同的词,满足所有的一元和二元约束条件。解决方案的编程要实现回溯搜索和 AC-3 算法。本项目需要安装 Python pillow 软件包。 机器学习(Learning) 第五讲介绍了机器学习基础,重点关...
可爱**及格 上传201.85 MB 文件格式 zip reinforcement-learning ai crossword logic CS50-AI项目 哈佛大学课程(课程。 专案 周 话题 名称 描述 怎么跑 视频 0 搜索 确定两个角色分开多少度 $ python degrees.py large 0 搜索 使用Minimax最佳玩井字游戏 $ python runner.py 1个 知识 解决逻辑难题 $ python ...
Project3 Crossword Project4 Shopping Nim Project5 Traffic Project6 Parser Questions Course Homepage edX Link My Submission Link Reference (CSDIY) Reference (Paul L. Coster)About CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python, Harvard University cs50.harvard.edu/ai/2020 Topics arti...
row-huh/cs50ai-psetsmain 1 Branch0 Tags Code Folders and filesLatest commit row-huh ac3 and revise updated 05c0200· Feb 28, 2025 History35 Commits Knowledge re-implemented add_knowledge function Mar 31, 2024 Optimization/Crossword/crossword ac3 and revise updated Feb 28, 2025...