确实,GUIText 是在一些旧版本的 Unity 引擎中用于显示文本的组件,但随着时间的推移,它已经被更现代、更灵活的 TextMeshPro 或Unity 内置的 Text 组件(在 UnityEngine.UI 命名空间下)所取代。从错误信息来看,GUIText 已经被完全移除,因此不再可用。 3. 查找替代'GUIText'的推荐方法 对于Unity 引擎,推荐使用 Unit...
error CS0619: 'XRDevice.isPresent' is obsolete: 'This is obsolete, and should no longer be used. Instead, find the active XRDisplaySubsystem and check that the running property is true (for details, see XRDevice.isPresent documentation).' 2017017版之后unity.Engine.VR过时了,换成了XR,因此,我们...
现在要改成 using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput; using UnityEngine.UI; [RequireComponent(typeof (Image))] public class ForcedReset : MonoBehaviour { private void Update() { // if we have forced a reset ... if (CrossPl...
原博文 Unity标准资源包Standard Assets导入报错 || 'GUIText' is obsolete || GUIText has been removed || error CS0619 2020-05-10 19:01 −... 海月CSDN 0 1027 java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response ...