【课程】UIUC CS498IR: AI for Robot Manipulation #哔哩哔哩-无字幕 #油管 #课程主页 软件工程相关 软件工程 Software Engineering "软件工程"(Software Engineering)是一门涉及设计、开发、测试、部署和维护软件系统的学科。软件工程旨在通过系统化的方法和工具来提高软件开发过程的效率、质量和可维护性。 软件工程是...
CS 173 Programming Languages, Brown University (Book) CS 421 - Programming Languages and Compilers, UIUC (Videos) CSC 253 - CPython internals: A ten-hour codewalk through the Python interpreter source code, University of Rochester CSE341 - Programming Languages, Dan Grossman, Spring 2013 - Unive...
【课程】UIUC CS498IR: AI for Robot Manipulation #哔哩哔哩-无字幕 #油管 #课程主页 软件工程相关 软件工程 Software Engineering "软件工程"(Software Engineering)是一门涉及设计、开发、测试、部署和维护软件系统的学科。软件工程旨在通过系统化的方法和工具来提高软件开发过程的效率、质量和可维护性。 软件工程是...
Database Systems Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Computer Networks Math for Computer Scientist Theoretical CS and Programming Languages Embedded Systems Computer Organization and Architecture Security Computational Biology Robotics ...