比如UIUC(综排40+),它在EECS领域就很具权威性。很多人会选择申请东北大学,因为其在CO-OP(带薪实习)方面做得很好,几乎全美第一。 关于申请,个人觉得,美国CS的申请难度不亚于商科,好的学校,竞争激烈程度超乎你想象!GPA3.5+、GRE325、IBT100+,基本...
【课程】UIUC CS498IR: AI for Robot Manipulation #哔哩哔哩-无字幕 #油管 #课程主页 软件工程相关 软件工程 Software Engineering "软件工程"(Software Engineering)是一门涉及设计、开发、测试、部署和维护软件系统的学科。软件工程旨在通过系统化的方法和工具来提高软件开发过程的效率、质量和可维护性。 软件工程是...
CMU 15 850 Advanced Algorithms spring 2023, by Anupam Gupta UC Berkeley CS 294-165 Sketching Algorithms fall 2020, by Jelani Nelson (Youtube) UIUC CS 498 ABD / CS 598 CSC Algorithms for Big Data fall 2020, by Chandra Chekuri Algorithms for Data Science spring 2021, by Anil Maheshwari CMU...
UIUC MCS (2023-03-18 rej ❌, 给了defer到24Spring,跟没给差不多) USC CS28 (2023-03-18 ad ✅) 选校的结果可以看到一共申请了17所学校,其中16所美国的cs master,录取了8所,被拒了9所。 其中UIUC,UCSD,UT Austin ECE被拒是没想到的,其他reject基本都是意料之中。 其中录取结果中,除了CMU MSCS...
申请美国CS好点的学校的难度分析,如CMU:美国CS PhD难度总体比较大,top学校MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, ...
CS225 of UIUC taken at spring 2015 All the codes in this directory are written by the course staff and Kaishen Wang. They are only for personal use and potential employer view. If these codes were used by other people without my permission, I would take no responsibility of any potential...
CSEP 552 - PMP Distributed Systems, Spring 2013 - University of Washington (Videos) CSE 490H - Scalable Systems: Design, Implementation and Use of Large Scale Clusters, Autumn 2008 - University of Washington (Videos) MOOC - Cloud Computing Concepts - UIUC Distributed Systems (Prof. Pallab Dasgup...
UIUC STAT 437 Unsupervised Learning spring 2024, by Tori Ellison University of Wisconsin-Madison CS/ECE 561 - Probability and Information Theory in Machine Learning fall 2020, by Matthew Malley Computer Networks CS 144 Introduction to Computer Networking - Stanford University, Fall 2013 (Lecture videos...
CS 270. Combinatorial Algorithms and Data Structures, Spring 2021 (Youtube) CMU 15 850 Advanced Algorithms spring 2023, by Anupam Gupta UC Berkeley CS 294-165 Sketching Algorithms fall 2020, by Jelani Nelson UIUC CS 498 ABD / CS 598 CSC Algorithms for Big Data fall 2020, by Chandra Chekuri...
UIUC STAT 437 Unsupervised Learning spring 2024, by Tori Ellison University of Wisconsin-Madison CS/ECE 561 - Probability and Information Theory in Machine Learning fall 2020, by Matthew Malley Computer Networks CS 144 Introduction to Computer Networking - Stanford University, Fall 2013 (Lecture videos...