所以很可能是...IN [1, 5, 9, 10]这样。 你的陈述应该是: {REP_AccountingCashFlow_Get;1.ReferenceIdentifier} IN [1, 5, 9, 10] Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 您不需要if condition再添加一个,因为添加公式Suppress已经被认为是if statement当符合您的条件时将抑制您的Crystal Report.归...
If {Order Details.UnitPrice} < 10 Then 0 Else {Order Details.Quantity} 右击ConditionSum公式字段,选择Change Format,设置打印格式。在Crystal Reports 4.6的Format对话框中选择Hide when printing,这样该字段不会在打印时显示出来(图5)。如果使用Crystal Reports 6.0,应该选择Format对话框中的Suppress项(图6)。这...
How to Hide formula field in crystal report as per the condition i have applied i have given two values 1) total cost 2)total amount 3)Discount Rate if total cost > total amount then in discount Rate =total amount-total cost 4) if total cost=total amount then discount rate displaying ...
72 Crystal Reports 2008 SP1 User's Guide 4Quick Start Quick start for new users Imagine that you are completing the following sentence: Select all records where a customer's country is You complete the sentence with the condition you want the program to use when selecting records for your ...
90 day inactive user report using PowerShell A "tail -f" equivalent command in Powershell to show real time logging A call to SSPI failed A connection to the directory on which to process the request was unavailable. This is likely a transient condition. A fast way to remove duplicated lin...
如果是这种情况的话用distinct是过滤不了的,这就要用到主键id的唯一性特点及group by分组 ...
Changelog helper: Report error from HTTP request (#13011, thanks @straight-shoota) Fix wrapper script to handle CRYSTAL variable pointing to itself (#13032, thanks @straight-shoota) Propagate exit code correctly in Windows wrapper batch script (#13048, thanks @HertzDevil) Remove __declspec(dlli...
and also an embedded field Field2.I made this textobject to be suppressed by checking the supress check box and writing the condition isnull({field2}).When this text object is supressed and when I went to print the report, the blank space(where the text object is placed) is not ...
If the Parameter name is [tt]PrintNumCopies[/tt] Page Header 1 Client Copy Suppress condition for PH1 [tt]{?PrintNumCopies}<>1[/tt] Page Header 2 Customs copy Suppress condition for PH2 [tt]{?PrintNumCopies}<>2[/tt] and so on... Upvote 0 Downvote Not open for further replies...
You get round this by including a test for null value first, followed by the table-B condition. An alternative is to remove the table B test and suppress the data you do not want. You don't say exactly what you are doing: possible methods are a lower-order group with details suppre...