把Formula1 放在Page Header中,更改属性,选中Suppress(不知道中文怎么翻译) 把Formula2 放在Page Detail 中,更改属性,选中Suppress 把Formula3 放在Page Footer中,这个就是
除了可以将公式插入到报表中外,还可以在选择记录(Record)和组(Group)时使用公式。比如选择菜单Report|Edit Selection Formula|Record项,然后输入公式:{file.price} < 100则只打印满足上条件的所有记录的报表。二、Crystal Reports公式语法Crystal Reports公式的语法比较简单,但支持的操作符和函数非常多。在公式中可以使用...
Is it possible in CrystalReports 8.5 to set suppress formula (or any other conditional formula under "x+2" button) at runtime? I know I can do a workaround, for example create a parameter field, type in (at design-time) a suppress formula with this parameter field and then set the v...
what you want to do is display in the summary, suppress the details. in the details you will want to put a formula that collects the data that you are after. if you want an arbritary set of classes to display, you are going to need to come up with some system to gather/display ...
I have multiple detail lines (a-e), which I conditionally suppress based on the formula's below (each formula is in the Suppress (No Drill-Down) section, in the section expert): Details a IF ({XXGL_DISTRIBUTION_DETAIL_V.JE_SOURCE_NAME} <> 'Payables') ...
我试图从Crystal XI报告中删除对表的所有引用.Crystal告诉我当前正在使用该表中的一列,因为在字段查看器中的字段上有一个绿色的复选标记.此外,如果我尝试删除整个表格,我会收到警告.该警告是,虽然,因为它没有告诉我,几乎是无用的,其中使用了场.现在,当程序员是真正的程序员,老鼠是猫追逐的东西时,我可以只是...
You may choose to suppress this formula 2) Create another formula to display the concatenated string. Place this formula on the footer: WhilePrintingRecords;stringvar array arr;stringvar fin;numbervar j;for j := 1 to ubound(arr) dofin := fin + arr[j] + ", ";left(fin,len(fin)-2);...
从那里,按下Suppress CheckBox旁边的x+2符号,并在那里添加以下代码。 代码语言:javascript 复制 if pagenumber <> totalpagecount then true else false 如果您想实现第二种情况,请将Page Footer的高度更改为一个值,该值将只允许在Details部分显示10条记录,并在Report Footer部分包含所有的页脚信息。 在这两种情况...
Hello All, How to Hide formula field in crystal report as per the condition i have applied i have given two values 1) total cost 2)total amount 3)Discount Rate if total cost > total amount then in ...
First off in Options and Report Options, you need to uncheck the 'Database Server is Case-Insensitive'. Then have a formula something like this for your filter. if {somnefield}= uppercase({somefield}) then false else true Upvote 0 Downvote Jul 2, 2018 Thread starter #3 jchewsmith...