Opti‑ mized second-generation CRY2-CIB dimerizers and photoactivatable Cre recombinase. Nat Chem Biol. 2016;12:425-30.Taslimi, A. et al. Optimized second-generation CRY2-CIB dimerizers and photoactivatable Cre recombinase. Nat Chem Biol 12, 425-430, doi:10.1038/nchembio.2063 (2016)....
CIB1 is the first-identified downstream transcription factor that interacts with CRY2 in a blue light–dependent manner. It can form homodimers or heterodimers (with other CIBs) to bind with G/E-box DNA via bHLH, and G/E-box DNA is usually present in light-responsive gene promoters (Liu...
腆着个老脸出来卖弄,弄巧成拙了吧[笑cry]//@两袖清风陈阿扁:大型翻车现场……//@paingod: http://t.cn/AiT6TQuq //@paingod: http://t.cn/AiT6Xo4L //@paingod: http://t.cn/AiT6qMkb //@闾丘露薇:請舉例,這樣才...
Blue light-dependent CRY2-CIB5 interaction in plant cells.Yawen, LiuXu, LiKunwu, LiHongtao, LiuChentao, Lin
Arabidopsis CRY2 (cryptochrome 2) primarily mediates the photoperiodic regulation of floral initiation. CRY2 has been shown to promote FT (FLOWERING LOCUS T) mRNA expression in response to blue light by suppressing the degradation of the CO (CONSTANS) protein and activating CIB1 (CRY2-interacting...
CRY2, CIB1, and CO form a protein complex in response to blue light to activate FT transcription, and the complex is regulated by the photoperiod and peaks at dusk along with higher FT expression. We also determined that CRY2 was recruited to the FT chromatin by CIB1 and CO and that ...
Here, we report newly optimized optogenetic tools to induce transcription with light in mammalian cells, using the Arabidopsis photoreceptor Flavin Kelch-repeat F-box 1 (FKF1) and its binding partner GIGANTEA (GI) as well as CRY2/CIB1. By combining the mutagenesis of FKF1 with the ...