Among the other clues in today’s NYT Mini Crossword, this was one of the easiest to solve as it is a direct synonym to the clue. However, if you struggled with the synonyms of the clue, it might have been tougher for you to solve. So, I’d give it atwo out of fivefor difficu...
The NS Crossword: Alphabetical JigsawSolve the clues which lead to solutions beginning with the letter indicated and then fit the...By AnorakAnorak
abbr.22 Quantity of heat, abbr.24 Home to Pima, Yuma and Flagstaff25 Unlike in a mystery, in airplanesthis doesn't ruin anything29 Word before Gun and of Climb30 Wing: mid-wing monoplanewith its wing mounted directly to the top of the fuselage33 Beginning of an innovation34 Pilots' area...
Different levels of difficulty along with the varied genre make these puzzles high-quality and everyone’s favorite! Cryptic Crosswords have taken standard crossword up a notch as there are clues that read like scrambled poetry. When you move in the right direction, nothing seems impossible. Crypt...
Crossword Clues ACROSS 4 "Spiritual discernment." S13 586:3 5 "Truth is God's ___for error. . ." S19 142:31 7 How many disciple did Jesus give power to? B11 Matt. 10:1 10 What makes free? B5 John 8:32 14 ". . .the ___ is without beginning of years or end of days....
Beginning of a toast : HERES 103 What concealer might conceal : ACNE 105 Soaks (up) : SOPS 106 Co-author of 2016's "The Book of Joy," along with the Dalai Lama : TUTU 107 Break … or brake : STOP 108 Inits. on the road : MPH 109 Inits. on the road : AAA 110 Darkroom ite...
After the header, the file provides all the strings — the first one being the completed grid, which you can see the beginning of in the sample here. Black squares are indicated with ASCII periods. After the answer grid would come the player's working grid, then the list of clues, and...
The very beginning Terrier retorts Track part Trace of sweat The of agr The mother of all nobelists The healthy colon song Then he asked or The sandbox playwright The good earth wife Tray occupant Temptress Tells a secret Type of bark Trees with nuts Tiger on a box Tiger in the jungle bo...
At the beginning of the 20th century, 35mm was chosen as a standard size for film used in still cameras. 35mm was selected as it was already the standard film size used in motion pictures. 63 Similar to : A LA The phrase “in the style of” can be translated as “alla” in Italia...
If you have the clue text and its solution, but can't figure out how the clue leads to the solution - you can post both in the comments section. I'll try to help with analyzing the clue. Note: Please post cryptic crossword clues only, and mention the source/setter of the clue. ...