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4 Complete the crossword below, using the clues provided. All the words are found in the story. 根据提示完成下列填字游戏、 所需 的字全部可在故事中找到。 1 1 2 f i S h 3 a C 4 P r i V a t e t 5 6 7 1 P u l 1 1 C 8 9 W a t e r 9f i S h i n g n 0 ...
Challenge yourself with our free daily crossword puzzles! Play and print easy crossword puzzles online, suitable for all skill levels. Find today's puzzle an...
Find all Crossword Answers for any Crossword Clue - Just enter your Crossword Clue and letter count to find all Crossword Answers. helps you since 2008.
Crosswordr This Crossword Puzzle is complete. Write simple clues for it. Below are two examples这个填词游戏已经完成。为它写出简单的提示。以下是两个例子。3PG As5A WL TO OAcross NE VE3 S She is as old me.U E8P LI ED YE TA Down101Would you like a drink?E BA DN'No, I w___IIT...
Welcome to the crossword dictionary where you can learn something new! Besides the usual answers you'll come across thousands of little “did-you-know” facts. See for example the answers to the clues “Algeria”, “Albania” or “Generation”. ...
D. Use the clues below to complete the crossword.Across1. The fireworks last night were h23. In total, there are seven books in the Harry Potter5. To this , police still do not know34who stole the statue in 1908.7. a small circle or spot8. Follow me. I know a shorter to get ...
来自cross和word的合成词。 词组短语 1、crosswordpuzzle n. 纵横填字游戏, 纵横填字字谜 [计] 纵横组字谜 2、acrosswordclue 填字游戏的线索 3、complete the clues and do thecrossword完成线索并做填字游戏 4、defeats soundlycrossword彻底击败纵横填字游戏 ...
Friendly for Beginner, Learner, English as Second Language Easy Crossword with More Clues is a crossword puzzle game designed for beginners, or English as second language (ESL) learner. Compared with classic crosswords, one innovation is it has 5x clues for each word which makes the ...
D. Use the clues below to complete the crossword.123456789101112131415161718Across Down5. expert; very skilled1. be different from one to another7. the way dat a is stored2. easily seen9. go ; begin to operate3. exciting in a bad way10. noticeable, but in a bad way4. at