‘Sidestep’ NYT Mini Crossword difficulty rating Among the other clues in today’s NYT Mini Crossword, this was one of the easiest to solve as it is a direct synonym to the clue. However, if you struggled with the synonyms of the clue, it might have been tougher for you to solve. ...
Kelly becomes well-informed by following one who wrote nonsense (7) LEAR NEDThis is one of those rare cases where the definition sits in the middle. NED (Kelly) follows LEAR (one who wrote nonsense), to become LEARNED (well-informed).Guardian crosswords are discussed on the daily solving ...
Talks nonsense 2 Testifies prepares to be cross examined The gross clinic painter u s painter 1844 1916 The history the silence shak Theres a major one in disneys bambi opposed to a banner share Tree defoliating insect Typical of urban life Two home fronts 2 Three home fronts Two home fron...